“Love is the Good we are seeking. Love is the highest name of God. Love is the fulfilling of the law. At the height of our spiritual teachings, we find God covering us with love. We find ourselves loving all things and all people.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Love is the Good I seek. I seek the experience of God’s love at every moment.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis
I know that Love which is God surrounds each of us, permeates our very souls and allows us to be in the flow of all that is, if we choose. I know each of us is a unique being of light with a special purpose that only we can fulfill. I know each of us is a unique manifestation of God here on earth. I know each of us has a special purpose which we are fulfilling with every activity we do. Today I see each of us surrounded by the Good that is God, recognizing our uniqueness. I know the unconditional love of God affirms our special purpose and place in the Universe. I imagine each of us going through the day knowing exactly what it is that we are to do and doing those activities with great joy. I imagine each of us celebrating our successes with our friends, while we create a feeling of joy and thanksgiving. I say a prayer of gratitude for all that we are, all that we have, and all that we will become. I am grateful for my life exactly as it is and exactly as it is not. I know that we can each choose to know with complete assuredness that all is well; that we are a living manifestation of the great I AM. I know we can each intend our lives, be attentive to our choices and manifest the destinies of our choosing. I release this truth into the Universal Mind of God, knowing its Truth always has been, always will be and IS right now. I let go, I let God and so it is

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