“It is human nature to wish to compel others to do as we think they ought to do. It is divine to see that their own way is their true way.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Today, my desire is to live close to Spirit and to know with all of my heart that It works in my life.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne

God, the universal spirit of all things, judges or condemns no one for in God there is only perfection. The one heart, one mind, one soul that manifests in, through and as me is always present, is always perfect, is always whole, is always complete. In my humanness I may forget this, or challenge it or even doubt it at times but when I take time to participate fully and consciously with the Divine I know at a cellular level we are all one, all connected, all part of the infinite energy that is Source. I realize and recognize today how wonderful, how powerful, and how infinite each of us is. I know in my heart that I am a limitless co-creator with the Divine and I know I possess the capability to play large. When I look back at my life I bless all those people who have crossed my path, I love them unconditionally for who they are and I realize that the path they walk is their path. The lessons we learned from each other may have seemed painful, maybe even unnecessary, but for me I know without them in my life I would not be the person I am today, would not have made the choices and decisions I made to bring me to this moment if our paths had not crossed. Some of them will be my friends forever, some of them remain in my heart even though we are no longer in physical contact and some I bless and release. All is God, all is love and it is with great gratitude that I commit every day to not condemn or judge others and when I falter I am thankful that every day I am given the opportunity to forgive myself lovingly and as easily as I forgive others. I joyously expect infinite possibilities in all areas of my life. I know the Spirit expressing as me is not only ageless but timeless. I greet each new day with joy and happiness . I release my words into the law knowing that it is already so in One Mind. I let go and I let God and so it is

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