“I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts... You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so, you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction.” --- The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships - Jerry and Esther Hicks The Teachings of Abraham

I often forget when I utter the words God IS, how expansive those words truly are. I know that God is loving kindness, empathetic joy, unconditional compassion and calm equanimity. I know that everything God IS, I AM, therefore I am a loving presence with a compassionate heart; a joyous being who lives in balance when I choose to be. I realize when I hold resentment in my heart or blame at a cellular level towards someone or some event where I perceived I have been done wrong, I give my energy to what was and co-create more negative energy in my life. Instead of playing the blame game or building a house in victimhood, I choose to take responsibility for my life and my choices. As a person who chooses to no longer drink or use drugs, I consciously look at the contrast of what was; my behaviors, who I hurt, my choices. Not to relive the past but to rejoice in how far I have come. I cannot change the past; I can only live in the present moment and give thanks for each new day and each new choice. Every moment in my life is of my own creation through my thoughts, my beliefs, and my feelings. My path; good, bad or indifferent, is mine to walk because I am the one choosing in every moment. To truly be in loving kindness, to be in alignment with our true Source we must let go of all the ways we “were done wrong” even when it was self inflicted. We must forgive ourselves and release and forgive others. Only then can we truly manifest our Desires from the great Fountain of Supply in the center of our being freely. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. I am grateful each moment is a new opportunity to choose. I release this prayer into the law knowing it is already done. I easily let go and in the allowing I let God. And so it is.

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