“I control my mental household and conquer all fear and doubt. I control my life.” The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes

God is omniscient, infinite awareness and universal knowledge. God is omnipresent, present in all places at all times. God is omnipotent, unlimited power or influence. I know that God is in my heart. I know that God is in my mind. I know that God is in my Soul. For I know that I am a microcosm of all that God is. I know that this is true for me and I know that this is true for you. For I know when we choose to see with the eyes of God, we see God looking back at us. I know when we choose to listen with the ears of God, we only respond with words of kindness and love; allowing all other words to wash away from us like the receding tide of the ocean. I know when we choose to speak from that power and presence of God within us; we speak from a place of unconditional love and absolute allowing.

I choose to be awake and aware. I choose to control my mental household and conquer all fear and doubt that only keeps me separate. I choose to know that I control my life. I give thanks for knowing that we each have dominion over our thoughts, over our feelings, over our reactions.

I give thanks for knowing that the power and presence of God is within each of us. I now turn this knowing over to the Law knowing it is already so. I let go and I let God and so it is.


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Visit Gayle at www.expressingspirit.com