“If I should take the unspoken sentence which lies like a hidden jewel under the jagged covering of your thoughts about the things you do not like, I would read it, ‘There is a good for me and I ought to have it.’” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“There is Good for me, and I ought to have it. God is my Good. My Good is my God.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis

At 11:16pm Greenwich Time we officially move into a new season; a new time of year – for us above the equator we are entering into Fall; for those below the equator their Spring. Distanced by miles and the rotation of this planet we call home we are experiencing different times of day and different seasons. The seasons change with ease and grace much like the sun rising and setting or the ocean’s ebb and flow. It is all God and it is all Good. When I realize from the inner depths of my soul that I am connected with everything that is; then how can I deny that God is my Source. I freely make a choice each and every moment of each and every day to look within and recognize my good or to look without and try to fill myself up by what’s outside of me. “Things” are nice and they do bring me instant gratification but when I truly want to feel and connect to the joy that is who and what I AM; I go within. I delight in the connection, in the wonder, in the magnificence that is ME. For I, like you, are made of God-stuff and when I get that I could I be anything other than all God is. Today I align with this Truth, I am grateful for this knowing, and I rejoice in the awesome wonder of all that is, that that I am and all that you are. I release, I let go and I let God – and so it is

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