“It is better to cultivate the consciousness of abundance than to struggle against poverty.” Ernest Holmes

I connect to the Divine Spirit through my breath knowing that God is over me, around me, and through me. I connect to the innermost God through this breath realizing that the God within me and the highest God are one and the same. One Life, One Mind, One Heart, One Infinite Source! Nature is a wonderful example of this process. Nature never struggles it gracefully flows from one season to the next knowing there is always a flower in the seed.

All the abundance of God is already available to each and every one of us. The universal mind always responds yes. I cultivate my consciousness on all the good, all the abundance, all the peace , all the love that truly is the essence of who I am. I know that the power and presence of God within me is within each of us. I know that where we focus our attention with our words, with our thoughts and with our feelings will manifest into our reality.

This is the Law of Cause and Effect, it is always working. DOUBT OUT, FAITH IN ITS PLACE! Know it, feel it, believe it, receive it; whatever IT is in your life. You are the co-creator of your reality, choose wisely; think clearly, and use your word kindly.

And so it is.


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Visit Gayle at www.expressingspirit.com