“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” Alcoholics Anonymous

" Forgiveness remains the only path that leads out of hell. Whether we're forgiving our parents, someone else, or ourselves, the laws of mind remain the same: As we love, we shall be released from pain, and as we deny love, we shall remain in pain." - Marianne Williamson

Today I imagine the Universe as a garden of riches waiting for me to harvest its fruit. I realize that this is not my imagination but the Truth for we each have the ability to actively harvest the riches of life. Today I am mindful as I look out at my world of all the special blessings available for me. I know seeing these blessings are a choice. I choose to joyously reach out and pick the riches of life that God has created for me. These riches are not just for me they are for everyone that knows and understands they are co-creating with the Divine. I imagine each of us living in a world where blessings and gifts come easily that we release the need to struggle, to hate and to feel separate. I imagine a world that truly works for everyone knowing the highest and best for all concerned. I know that this may not be easy; that forgiveness and unconditional love are sometimes difficult but I know that Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I desire. I release all the self-talk, my monkey mind by sharing my path with another who has gone before me; I forgive myself for any past transgressions; knowing I cannot change the past; knowing that the love of God is unconditional; and knowing that when I truly love myself from the inside out then and only then am I able to love others and the path they choose. I become awake and aware of my thoughts, my self-talk and my judgments replacing any unkind word with the unconditional love of All that IS. I give thanks, I release, I let go and I let God. And so it is.Namaste

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