The bladder is a vital organ. If there is something wrong with the bladder, it will bring a lot of trouble. Cystitis is a common bladder disease that affects many men. With cystitis, everyone's symptoms are different.

What are the main symptoms of male cystitis ?

1. Burning sensation when urinating

The burning sensation of urination in men is generally caused by inflammation and infection, such as cystitis and urinary tract infection. Urine flows through the inflamed area, causing a burning sensation. In case of this symptom, we must pay enough attention to it, test and treat it in time. Once the inflammation is eliminated, this symptom can also be alleviated.

2. Urgent urination

Men with prostate problems are not unfamiliar with symptoms such as urgency and frequency of urination, which is also one of the symptoms of cystitis. Bladder inflammation will affect urination, so that men often have the urge to urinate, but they can't completely empty the bladder. Some drugs can be used to relieve symptoms such as urgent urination, but only by treating inflammation can we get rid of these symptoms.

3. Hematuria

If you have cystitis, bladder tissue will produce inflammation. With the development of inflammation, the possibility of bleeding increases, and blood may be discharged from the body together with urine. The amount of blood in the urine is related to the severity of inflammation, but in any case, even if there is less blood in the urine, relevant tests should be carried out.

4. Turbid urine with peculiar smell

Under normal circumstances, urine has no color and will not have much taste. Once the color and smell of urine change, it may mean disease or inflammation. Cystitis will not only lead to hematuria, but also lead to urine turbidity and peculiar smell. Bladder inflammation and infection can cause urine to emit a strong smell, and the color is also different from normal urine. Once this symptom occurs, the easiest way to find out the problem is to check the urine.

5. Tenderness of lower abdomen

If you have cystitis, men may feel tenderness in the lower abdomen. Cystitis will increase the internal pressure and pain of the bladder. In addition to continuous tenderness in the lower abdomen, patients sometimes feel severe pain. If the inflammation is not treated, the pain may become more and more serious.

So, what can men do when having cystitis?

1. Timely medication

For those male patients with cystitis, doctors often prescribe some anti-infective drugs when they go to the hospital. Generally speaking, these drugs are both external and internal. Therefore, patients need to follow the doctor's advice to take drugs strictly.

For cystitis caused by adjacent infection, such as prostatitis and urethritis, herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can be selected. It has the functions of clearing heat, drenching, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, promoting dampness and detoxification, tonifying deficiency, and benefiting the kidney. It is suitable for chronic inflammation, especially for patients who are ineffective or resistant to repeated antibiotics.

Of course, you must pay attention to your hygiene when taking drugs, especially when using topical medications.

2. Don't drink alcohol

If cystitis is not completely cured, then males had better stay away from alcohol. Because alcohol may cause some bad stimulation to men's bodies, it is more likely to cause men discomfort. When they are ill, it is best to pay attention to drinking water because water is an essential substance for maintaining the metabolic rate and detoxification rate.

3. Don't wear too tight clothes

For those patients who already have cystitis, it is best not to wear too tight clothes, especially underwear, because such clothes may often lead to the poor circulation of their private blood vessels and aggravate the discomfort of patients.

Matters needing attention

Everyone should pay more attention in their life. Cystitis can cause bladder fibrosis, reduce bladder capacity, cause ureteral reflux, lead to renal edema and renal inflammation, even renal necrosis and uremia, endangering people's lives. Cystitis also increases the risk of bladder cancer. About 85% of bladder cancer is caused by cystitis.

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