Modern conversational hypnosis incorporates elements of Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, psychology and sociology. It is a technique derived from practical application and case study rather than just theory. In the more formal guise of Ericksonian hypnosis it is one of the favored techniques used by hypnotherapists the world over. However it is it's increasing use by hypnotists, most of whom don't hold any formal qualification, in normal, everyday conversation that has seen its rapid development in recent years. Today it is arguably the most effective hypnosis technique ever known. It is the hypnotists ability to carry out the hypnosis without the consent, or even the knowledge of the person being hypnotized, that makes it such a powerful tool for anyone who wants to know how to hypnotize anybody.

There is evidence that hypnosis has been used for thousand of years. However the four basic principles that best describe modern hypnosis methodology were first coined by James Braid in the 1880's. Braid was a Scottish surgeon who first used the term hypnosis to describe the effect of mesmerism upon his test subjects. Braid named this term after the Greek god of sleep 'Hypnos,' as he noted the sleep like trance of his subjects. He later discovered that these trances had nothing to do with sleep and tried to retract the term, but it had already entered the common vocabulary and has stuck to this day.

Most importantly however Braid outlined what he called the 'four rules of hypnosis.' Today, modern conversational hypnotists refer to these as the 'four stage formula' or 'four protocols' of hypnosis. If followed these basic steps will enable anybody to hypnotize anyone. So what are they?

1. Absorb Attention:

This is the initial stage of any successful hypnosis. Whether you are a hypnotherapist using hypnosis as part of a formal treatment program or a street hypnotists using covert hypnosis to your own advantage, you need to be able to focus your subjects attention on what you are saying. This is achieved in conversational hypnosis firstly by establishing a rapport with the subject and then, through the use of hypnotic language, to captivate the subjects attention. By focusing the subjects conscious thought processes you are creating the conditions that make hypnosis possible.

2. Bypass the Critical Factor:

All of us possess a critical factor, some more so than others. This is a fundamental psychological defense that enables us to exercise control over what we are prepared to believe and that which we reject. Without it, if someone told us we'd be perfectly safe if we jumped off a cliff we'd probably do it.

Many people mistakenly believe that hypnosis is a matter of faith . They think that if you don't believe in hypnosis it wont work. Usually these people will also think that they can not be hypnotized because they don't believe in it. They may have a strong critical factor in general terms but their rejection of the concept of hypnosis as a whole actually assist the conversational hypnotist.

The lack of awareness makes overcoming the critical factor easier. If someone is convinced that they can't be hypnotized they are less likely to detect the your efforts to do so. On the other hand

someone who understands hypnosis and is attuned to the patterns that enable it to work can be harder to hypnotize. However, in general, using techniques such as hypnotic language, 'yes sets,' repetition and metaphor a skilled conversational hypnotists can overcome the critical factor in less than a few minutes with most people.

3. Activate an Unconscious Response:

Throughout the hypnotic process it is important that you are able to use a good signal recognition system to identify the psychological and physiological signs that indicates the subjects hypnotic state. One of the ways that you can check if your subject is in a trance like state is to see if you can illicit and unconscious response.

If we consider that the conscious is the part of our mind that make the decisions that enable us to function on a day to day basis then the unconscious is the part that stores the information which informs that decision making. We are aware of our conscious mind and actively control it. However we are often not aware of our unconscious and can do little to control it under normal conditions. For example we flinch when someone raises their arm quickly because we unconsciously understand that we may be about to be hit. Flinching is a subconscious decision and we are not consciously aware of making it.

Therefore if, as a conversational hypnotist, we can get the subject to demonstrate an unconscious response we can be pretty sure we are communicating with them subconsciously. Emotional responses are dictated by our unconscious and, just like flinching, are an involuntary response to stimuli. You need to exercise caution here. If someone is already upset then they are likely to exhibit emotional responses anyway. In such circumstances other or different emotional responses should be sought. However, assuming the subject is emotionally unbiased, and you notice an emotional response to your language patterns this is a great sign that the subject is in 'open trance.'

4. Lead The Unconscious To A Desired Outcome.

Before you ever start the process of conversational hypnosis you should already have a clear objective. What do you want to achieve by hypnotizing the subject? Perhaps you are trying to seduce them, maybe you want them to agree to your business offer or give you an opportunity, possibly you want to help them overcome a problem. Whatever the reason you are using hypnosis it is important that you stick to your objective and focus upon achieving it. Everything you say and every pattern you use should move you closer towards that ultimate goal.

Therefore, providing you have completed the three preceding steps you should now attempt to make the suggestions to the subjects unconscious that will make them think what you want them to. There are many different techniques that you can use to achieve this such as 'piggy backing,' 'the hypnotic triple,' 'compound effect' and so on. Whichever method or combination of methods you use will depend upon your experience, your reading of the subject and your preference but without doubt the covert nature of conversational hypnosis gives you advantages at this stage. Because the subject is not aware of the hypnosis any suggestions you make will be adopted within their unconscious as their own subconscious idea. Consequently they will be far more likely to act upon them and it will be easier to achieve your desired outcome.

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These four basic steps are central to helping you discover how to hypnotize someone. You need to show some commitment , have time to practice and, most importantly, have access to a good course on conversational hypnosis techniques to start with. However, if you can apply yourself success will follow.