An amazing realisation was gifted to me by a dear friend recently. I have always been of the understanding that many of our mental health issues are caused due to chemical imbalances in the brain. This pre conception is due to working within the mental health sector for almost four years. I never did challenge the information provided to me and i accepted that for any of us who encounter a time of mental instability that the best thing for us is to get the balance back is by incorporating medicine which will ensure that the individual in question returns to a more socially acceptable state of being in as short a time as can be.

But is this the way it is supposed to be? or is this the easy way out by suppressing the emergence of our spiritual enlightenment ?

My friend challenged my views and took the time to offer me a different understanding that immediately seemed so naturally logical to me and was one of those ‘A-ha’ moments that Oprah often goes on about. Another missing piece of my puzzle of knowing has been discovered.

What did she tell you? I hear you ask. Well she highlighted to me that there is now evidence to say that depression is not a chemical imbalance in the brain but a spiritual emergence most of the time. Some people are not ready for this and so through fear they visit their doctor to stop the process through prescribing medication that it is akin to taking a tablet to get rid of a temperature when the body has a temperature to get rid of infection and that if all of these emergences were dealt with through love, care and support they would be able to go through the process naturally and get back to their lives with a better understanding of themselves without becoming dependant on prescription drugs for many years. As you can see my friend is very wise.

“Most people often find themselves trying to logically explain spiritual nudges that come to them. The thing about allowing our intellectual mind to reason things away is that we often miss out on some blessings and important information.” Kunbikorostensky
We are moving forward into a new era, one of collective consciousness. Those who do not embrace this transition will be left behind. Humanity is evolving. The way things have been is going to be no more. Since time began there have been many stages of evolution within the dominant species. Things cannot stay the same way forever. Just look at the era of the dinosaurs. They started walking the earth 250 million years ago and approximately every 50 million years after that they evolved to a different stage of being from the Triassic period to the Jurassic period and then to the Cretaceous period around 146 million years ago.

Fortunately we are not dramatically evolving physically but as with other times during humanity’s reign on this earth we are experiencing a shift in consciousness. One time in history that is quite significant and universally familiar to us all is the coming of Jesus. He changed the consciousness of humanity, he provided people with a more pure line of thought that spread across the world during a time thousands of years before globalisation. A more positive inner thinking mindset is what is shining through and being embraced by many enlightened individuals since. Can you imagine today one person having so much influence on the entire population of the world?

As we often bring forth with us the views and beliefs of our parents and their parents and their parents, so on, each of them all having an influence in how we perceive things during our lifetime, many of us are finding it challenging to allow the spirit to shine through. These changes do not feel ‘normal’ for so many of us and they can generate a very unsettling feeling. If we are not aware of our own being during this time it can be quite disturbing and this in turn can lead us to seek help from the person that many of us have been taught can make everything better, our GP. This of course assists in with shielding a patient from experiencing the unsettling feelings that they are not ready to fully embrace.

In my experience it is through embracing these emotions and dealing with them at a more conscious level that we are able to move forward into a more fulfilling and connected state of being.

My Story

About five years ago everything I knew to be, changed for me. I was after having my second son and I was getting on with life as a new mum again. One night my brother and boyfriend had a fight. It wasn’t that I was never used to witnessing a punch up, but this time I bore the emotional scars of the event. It shook me to my core maybe because I was a little more emotionally vulnerable at the time or maybe it was because I was ready to go within to discover the gifts I had.

I never did pursue getting any medical assistance as I knew what was happening to me and I wasn’t afraid. I knew that I had to take it one day at a time, which is the same for any trauma. When I needed to talk, I did. My body guided me through the recovery process. I connected with myself at a higher level and in moments of need I discovered that I could make decisions that i could not have made before.

As time passed it became much easier to function, my thoughts came together and a feeling of knowing engulfed me. This feeling is a wonderful sensation that is both physically relaxing and psychologically satisfying. To know that I am on the right track and that i am being guided by myself is wondrous. I am becoming increasingly aware and full of insightful wisdom .

Had I not experienced my time of distress I do believe that I would not be living as fulfilling a life as I am right now and I know that I will be for eternity.

One thing I know for sure is that our conscious minds are not to be feared. If allowed to grow naturally an increased vastness of open consciousness that has the potential to spread across the globe will guide humanity towards a more fulfilling existence. Harmony and peace may prevail.

“Throughout the harrowing times in life comes the opportunity to grow, as often we seek solace from within. It is through fear that progress towards enlightenment stalls or is suppressed. After the struggle comes the breakthrough”

Here’s a thought, maybe many of those who are diagnosed with having ‘Mental Health problems’ are actually going through a personal transition to a more spiritually enlightened state of being. And maybe it is not medication that they need to help them survive through this time, which prevents the person from moving on from the struggle to the more fulfilling stage of the breakthrough. By offering healing love, positive energy and guidance most people have the potential to progress towards a more fulfilling experience of life. I like to think of it as a ‘Heaven on earth’ type of existence.

I wholeheartedly support the thoughts and quest of the Irish based group renew . They are a group of people who understand that through using mutual support and personal exploration as the key elements in overcoming emotional, psychological and spiritual distress that individually we can make sense of our own harrowing times and grow because of them.

The renew website states:

“Any one of us can find that, at some point in our lives, we experience severe or overwhelming distress. The most common response in our society to severe distress is to treat the experience as one of illness. People in overwhelming distress are frequently labelled as mad or psychotic, and given little hope of returning to full and thriving lives. Prevailing theories point towards “chemical imbalance” in the brain, or other brain malfunctions. It is our understanding that these theories are far from proven and that there are other ways we can view the experience of severe distress. Amongst our members we have found that we have been able to make sense of our own experiences of distress in the light of our own histories and personalities. This is true of unusual experiences such as visionary experiences and hearing voices as well as depression, addiction , paranoia, stress and anxiety . In response to these difficult challenges we have been able to do inner work that has improved our outlook and sense of wellbeing. Through mutual support we are growing in understanding and ability to connect with others. Our aim is to help each other move towards thriving and fulfilling lives.”

If someone is experiencing depression or has feelings of unease or uncertainty or even an unsettling change of behaviour, why not treat them with the love, support and compassion that we instinctively express when we encounter someone who is experiencing grief . This type of response is what helps bring a person through the harrowing experience of losing a loved one. Why could the same response not work for someone who is experiencing a mental challenge. There is no longer any room for negative responses such as judgement and fear in our societies if we hope to move forward to a more harmonious future together.

Loving energy is a true healer, let it shine.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, I am Karen. I am a writer of articles and novels. I write regulary at and for Universal Mind monthly magazine. My spiritual novel 'The Visitor' was released last year and The Wish Giver is due to be released at the end of this year. I cover a wide range of topics from parenting to spirituality and hope to offer my readers an alternative trail of thought. Academically I have a diploma in Humanities with the University of Ulster in Ireland. I have also completed a Certificate in community drama and facilitation skills. Hands on experience: I worked in the Mental health sector for almost 4 years before settling down to expand my family of which I have four gorgeous children now. 2 boys and 2 girls. I do hope that you enjoy reading my articles.