It is nearing the end of a week long journey to the beautiful Caribbean island of Trinidad. It was a journey to support a friend and colleague in the martial arts with his work with children and martial arts in the Trinidad primary and secondary schools.
I am sitting, just beginning to take breakfast at "Alicia's Palace" a wonderful island hotel that is tucked away, in a deep cut tropical mountain valley, in northern Trinidad. To reach you have to drive three to four kilometers up a very narrow, twisting and winding, switch-backed road, up "Lady Chancellor Hill."
It is 7:30AM and I am still a bit tired, and not fully awake, after yesterday's ten hour national Inter-School Martial Arts Championship. During that day I had been on my feet, running to and fro, working with about 200 children that were competing in the martial arts at the Eldorado Secondary School.
As I sighed, a wonderful light and gentle tropical breeze, along with a soft rain began to fall. I listened to the rain as the drops landed on the lush tropical bush and in just one minute it had passed and completed its task. It had washed away my tiredness, my fatigue, and as the birds began to chirp, the clouds cleared and the bright tropical Sun once again warmed the mountainside. A warm mist, a tropical steam, formed and rose from the tropical hillside and with it my spirits as well. My energy surged forth and It was then that I realized that my feelings were a reflection of the Universe.
NO! Wait! That is not correct. Actually as I choose to enjoy and engage myself in my current circumstance the world manifested what I was feeling. The world or more accurately my reality changed and became a reflection of my internal world. I concluded that in grand scheme of things circumstances do not matter, it is your state of being that actually matters.
Everyone needs a place where they can get away. It could be a room in your house, a place in your backyard but right now, for me it was Alicia's Palace. It is now a favorite of mine where I can sit back, relax and "lime" as they say in Trinidad. It is a place to enjoy a meal, a cup of coffee and the beautiful Caribbean Scenery. In amongst the tropical mountains, it is an ambiance that must be experienced. I sit, I take a long deep breath, I feel the relaxing sensations that surround me. My energy flows freely, through my mind, my body and my spirit. My spirit lifts, more positive, more aware of my universe and my reality.
I now realized that as I was breathing my reality was manifesting, being created, to meet the deep feelings that were within me. The more that I absorbed myself into the surroundings the more my world was reflecting what my mind was feeling.
In a moment of deeper reflection I realized that this had occurred consistently throughout the past week. Every time something stressful, frustrating, or potentially aggravating began to occur I would CONSCIOUSLY BREATHE. My subconsciousness mind was aware to the point that I had a feeling that a negative situation was beginning to form and before it could take hold I made the CONSCIOUS CHOICE to just breathe, relax, and smile. Each time I did this the world changed and manifested my relaxation , my feelings.
In essence my external world rose to meet the positive state of mind that I was creating. When I thought of it, breathed and felt it it then came to be. So sitting here, reflecting on my week, I have come to a deeper understanding. I now know and can state by experience, state for a fact, that my breathing can both affect and have an effect on my state of mind that when consciously realized and focused upon can create a deep feeling within me. A positive feeling that when held in the mind can in fact change my world belief and create a new basis upon which to act, create and manifest my reality. My world view, my reality, my life is in fact a reflection of what is in, what is created by, my own individual mind. Through conscious positive choice I can indeed choose how I exist.
Our collective reality, our collective world, is a reflection of what WE THINK OF THE MOST.
I know that if we can conceive of it and truly believe in it then we can achieve it. The Universe will provide from the infinite field of all possibilities the opportunities for us to achieve our dreams , our desires and achieve our purpose.
Your conscious thoughts affect your subconscious mind and can indeed instill deep beliefs that grow in positive vibration, in positive awareness. It is through this awareness that you can now see and act on all the wonderful opportunities that the universe presents to you to express yourself, through your achievements along the path of your purpose.
I know that without my purpose I am like a ship that is adrift in the ocean without a destination. Without my mind and my thoughts directing my purpose it is like a ship without a captain. Without all of my positive mental faculties it is like a ships captain helpless without a crew. And without my body in being in excellent health it is like a rusting, rotting, disintegrating, ship that eventually sinks into the abyss of the ocean never reaching its destination, never accomplishing its purpose.
THE SIMPLE REALIZATION is that each of us must have a purpose, a worthy ideal, that we strive to achieve, to manifest, to make successful. All that it takes is to simply move with and not resist he flow of our purpose. It is the positive persistence on my purpose that will defeat any and all obstacles and resistance along my path. All it takes is to focus and progressively realize your worthy ideal.
The "progressive realization of a worthy ideal" is the very definition of SUCCESS.
It is from your desire that you create your belief. And it is from Belief that you Act to achieve your purposeful Results. Desire to Belief to Action culminates in RESULTS. Results that the Universe manifests, brings to you, so that your purpose, its expression is made MANIFEST.
So, consider that no matter where you are, no matter what circumstances you are in and no matter what you are doing, "As you Breathe, the World Breathes; Breathe Hard and the World Breathes Hard; Breathe Soft and the World Breathes Soft; Breathe with a Conscious Positive Purpose in which you have deeply rooted feelings and the Universe will manifest your Awesome REALITY."
Begin today to BREATHE RIGHT and FEEL RIGHT, this is the Right and Certain Way that will manifest your awesome health and reality.
Kevin Hufford is a respected qigong master and teaches classes, seminars and instructor certification in upstate New York, the USA and Internationally. He is the founder of a new and revolutionary system called Mind Power Qigong. For more information and to CLAIM YOUR COPY of "It's Your Health, Create It NOW!" please visit -