Many houses around the UK still have the traditional panel based doors, and whilst they are attractive and fairly inexpensive, they are simply not secure enough to protect your valuable property. If you live in a house worth many thousands of pounds; which you of course may still be paying for; with important items inside; you do not thieves to be able to access your home through a door that can easily be kicked to pieces.

Important items does not necessarily mean what you might think either; though there are obvious targets for thieves, such as jewellery, and electrical items like tablet and laptop computers, smart phones, TVs and games consoles; there are also goods in your home which are likely to hold huge sentimental value, like family heirlooms and memories which may not be worth anything to a thief, but are unlikely to be tiptoed around when they are looking for your valuables; they are also worthless as far as your home insurer is concerned, so you will not receive the amount they are worth to you. Let us not forget, either, the most important thing housed behind your front door: your family . You do not want to put your family members at risk with a cheap wooden door that has seen better days and is ready for replacement.

When you do come to replace your door, composite doors are definitely worth considering. In tests they are more secure than traditional panel doors, standing up against much more damage than their flimsy predecessors. If you have ever seen videos of these tests online you will have noticed that they are obviously not impervious to harm; however, if a thief sees a home with a high quality, highly secure composite door on the front, they are more likely to move on to another house without such security, which will be a much easier target.

Preventing the crime is so much more important; you can save yourself not only a large amount of stress and psychological strain which is a by-product of a burglary, but also your not inconsiderable insurance excess. Something that many people do not bear in mind when it comes to insurance is that they are unlikely to receive the value of their possessions, and may end up out of pocket, as well as without important items for a period of time. The comparatively small investment of a composite door can prevent this from ever happening, or at the very least, will let you say you took measures against burglary.

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