As a sufferer from unsightly skin tags I know how self conscious they can make you. Not only they are unsightly they can get irritated and become painful at times. There are many remedies for these little nuisance. Skin tags removal can be done at home or by a physician.

Acrochordons or skin tags are caused by friction of the skin. They are not tumors and have no outcome of cancer so it is not common for them to be biopsied. These skin irritations are also not contagious. On occasion they can become sore and red and if this is the case simply waiting a few days will generally allow the to either heal or fall off on their own. There may be a time though that you wish to have them removed by a physician if they continue to bother you beyond the cosmetic appearance.

Just about anyone can suffer from skin tag appearance. More often they are found in people of middle age and progressively become more common when one is approaching sixty and over. Obesity is another factor that is common in skin tag sufferers. Not commonly found in young children, they can have occurrence of them in the neck and armpit area if they do appear.

Some treatments will be more expensive than others. There are treatments that are done by a doctor, home remedies are available also. Obviously with home remedies the cost is generally going to be much less than with a medical treatment done by a doctor. The most common practice used by a doctor is freezing. This is done by applying a local anesthetic and then freezing the affected area. The biggest discomfort is usually the application of the anesthetic, if you don't like needles you probably won't enjoy this part much.

Electric Cautery is another commonly used practice when having them removed in a physicians office. Both freezing and electric cautery will often time cause a temporary discoloration at the removal site. Sometimes either treatment will require more than one occurrence as the tag may fail to fall off the first time.

Home remedy options are available. One of these options is to cut the skin tag with scissors. This may cause a little bleeding at the site of removal, however, is very effective and cost efficient. Take the extra step to sterilize the scissors if you choose to use this method.

Another removal option is tying off the skin tag with a piece of thread or dental floss. This will usually take a couple of days for it to die off and fall away. However this is a cost effective and simple home remedy for removal of the unsightly piece of skin.

One final treatment option at home is a cream that can be purchased without a prescription. Much like a wart remover these cream remedies are applied directly to the site and will take a couple of days to work. However within a shore period of time you should see noticeable differences in the area where you have applied the cream. Again as with any of these treatments this method has little or no side effect. Whatever method you use you can be free from the problem and can see a cosmetic improvement in a short period of time.

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