Christian blogs are a valuable tool for believers providing renewed strength and restored faith in Jesus Christ. Our faith is the most important aspect of our walk with Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please God; faith is the currency of heaven. Enjoy reading Christian articles posted by a mature pastor. The insightful truths shared will empower and strengthen your faith .

Christian blogs are a valuable tool for strengthening and restoring the faith of believers. Faith is the most important component within our Christian walk; without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 12 gives us a list of men and women who walked by faith and not by sight. We have many examples shared in the word of God concerning faith filled men and women. Christian articles provide foundational truths on faith. They bring a restoration of truth to the body of Christ and encourage healing and freedom from unhealthy mindsets. Reformation is a revolutionizing shift that is taking place in the body of Christ. This Reformation begins in the mind of the believer. This is the time to stand on the promises of God and to fulfill the mandates provided in the word of God. It takes a divine shift in our mindsets to receive the truths of God. Blockages in our thought patterns can result in bondage in our Christian walk. A series of Christian blogs sharing on the Reformation of the body of Christ will encourage you to walk by faith and not by sight.

We have many faith examples shared in the word of God. A connection must be made between these examples and our lives. Christian blogs assist believers in making a connection between the word of God and our individual lives. Christian blog sites provide insight for serving Jesus Christ in our thought patterns which leads to following Jesus Christ in our actions. The teaching on Reformation is a pivotal teaching that is bringing transformation to the minds of believers. Reach out and receive the helping hand of a caring pastor through the Christian articles posted. Begin experiencing Reformation in your mindsets that leads to breakthrough and begin to experience a transformed lifestyle that impacts the lives of others. Daniel was an example of a man who had attained a reformed mindset. His mind was transformed and renewed leading him to behave differently than the other Hebrew children held captive. From boyhood to manhood he provided an example of living a faith filled lifestyle. Daniel was thrown into a lion’s den and survived the entire night. As a result, the King proclaimed allegiance to God. Peter surrendered his mindsets to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and became so transformed that is very shadow brought healing to others. There is a transforming Reformation that is taking place the body of Christ. Learn more about this Reformation and gain new insight into the plans of God for your life.

Your life can be a demonstration of the power of God that results in others pledging allegiance to the King of King's and giving their life to Jesus Christ. As a believer you can begin to impact the world around you and bring relief to those who are in despair by receiving Reformation in your mindset. Receive freedom and deliverance through truths shared on Christian blogs. Church blogs provide insightful truths that impact lives forever. Begin enjoying the Christian articles posted online and watch the Reformation of Jesus Christ take place in your life. (Mark 9:23) “All things are possible to him who believes.”

Author's Bio: is an excellent source for Christian articles and is designed to encourage pastors, church leaders, and all believers to continue fighting for the cause of their Faith. Author Bump Lumpkin delivers a fresh perspective through his creative use of the Christian article .