Christian blogs on the next Reformation are providing truths that are enlightening believers and breaking them free from bondage that has held them captive. Read more about how the Reformation is enlightening believers and calling back to their first love.

Articles provided on Christian blogs provide reformation truths that are releasing believers into a new freedom with Christ. Many believers have become captive to seeking insight and knowledge through Scriptures and through sermons yet they have forsaken your first love. Christian blog sites say it like it is and assist believers in seeing the truth that has been standing in their way to freedom. The post entitled: 10,000 Teachers – The Next Reformation Part 7, shares vital truths that will transform and reshape your understanding of hearing the voice of the Lord. “You diligently study the Scriptures… yet you refuse to come to me” (John 5:39-40)

Jesus is crying out for his bride. He is calling us back to our first love; He is calling us to turn our ear to hear His voice once again. Men have gotten caught up in seeking to hear His voice through the voice of another. Hearing God's voice through a sermon or a teaching has its place; however, many have gotten to the place where we are diligently studying the Scripture yet we are distant from His love and we are distant from His voice. Christian blog sites are written by leaders who hear the voice of God and are willing to share what He is saying yet they are also very aware of the fact that believers must seek to hear His voice on their own. In today's society we are used to the microwave and we expect everything to be handed to us hot and ready in minutes. In the church we have gotten lazy in many ways and have become microwave Christians expecting to attend church and hear the voice of God through a 20 minute sermon and expect it to impact and transform our behavior, our circumstances, our families, our health, and it simply cannot take place that way. Here is a quote received from Christian articles which are written by a pastor: “With the abundance of info we have tried to cram into our brains, our Spirit has been left crying out for our attention. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for this kind of behavior .”

Many believers have forsaken their first love and have forgotten the early love relationship they experienced when they first came to know Jesus Christ. This early love relationship is referred to as “the honeymoon season of faith”. It was during this time that a craving and desiring for Jesus Christ was birthed. During that season we hungered to hear His voice, we cried out to walk in the spirit and not to fulfill the lusts of our flesh. We sang in joy and laughed in peace despite the fact that our lives were still in transition from a fallen state to a redeemed state. Since that time many have become lazy spiritually and have learned to sit and listen to it quick microwave services expecting the teaching to speak to our souls giving us some peace and joy that will carry us through another week.

The Christian articles provided by church blogs are not afraid to say it like it is. And the truth is that this type of lazy Christianity is destroying our ability to hear the voice of God. If your life has turned into a long list of obligations and the yoke has become heavy, then it is time to step into the next Reformation and experience the rest and freedom that is only available through Christ. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Christian blog sites provide Christian articles that point to Jesus Christ reminding us to return to our first love and strive to enter into His rest where we hear His voice and obey His voice. Enjoy reading the entire 10,000 Teachers-the Next Reformation Part 7 post provided on church blogs.

Author's Bio: is an excellent source for Christian articles and is designed to encourage pastors, church leaders, and all believers to continue fighting for the cause of their Faith. Author Bump Lumpkin delivers a fresh perspective through his creative use of the Christian article .