Enjoy reading a Christian blog that shares insight and relationship tips concerning Jesus Christ. Communion with God is possible. The voice of God is something that you can learn to hear. The voice of God brings Reformation which brings transformation to mindsets, behavior patterns, physical conditions, and many other areas of our lives. Enjoy reading powerful and impactful truths shared by a pastor.

If you are looking to mature in your walk with God, then consider reading an impactful and empowering Christian blog. The ongoing posts provide insight into learning to hear and obey the voice of God. This pastors blog provides insight and knowledge on Reformation. It is time for the body of Christ to experience a true relationship with Christ and to step out of a box of intellectual Christian training and into the freedom experienced in the voice of God. There are a series of Christian article posts providing insight into the Reformation taking place in the body of Christ. This Reformation is bringing believers from a boxed-in mindset that relies on intellectual knowledge, and into a freedom that relies on the voice of God and relationship. The Reformation Christian blog provides insight into “prison mindsets” that hold believers in bondage. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus Christ came to bring life and life more abundantly. This abundant life releases freedom, joy, and success. Yet, many believers are stuck in ruts of discouragement, anxiety , and disappointment. It is time to experience the Reformation that has been sent out from our loving heavenly Father. This Reformation is transforming the body of Christ, removing negative patterns in thinking and behavior , and bringing believers into a new relationship with God. This relationship begins with the voice of God. Experience Reformation in your life that brings transformation ; this transformation will impact your thinking and beliefs. A genuine love relationship with Jesus Christ, God the father, and the Holy Spirit will break you free to believe.

It is time for faith to manifest in our lives. We have had thousands of teachers and yet seen little to no growth within the body of Christ. It is time to experience this Reformation. It is transforming mindsets, lifestyles, and bringing forth the life impacting word of God. The shepherd’s heart can be felt in the pastor blog. The shepherd’s heart is sensitive to the cry heard in the body of Christ because it is the heart of Jesus. Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” He said, “Yes!” Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep”. It is very important to Jesus that His people hear his voice, that they are feed, and that they are cared for. When one is lost, it is His desire that the shepherd seeks to find the lost sheep and to bring it back to the fold. Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice and another voice they will not follow.” It is vital that we learn His voice. It is His voice that will keep us in safety, protection, abundance, health, and the Fathers perfect will. His voice can be heard in each Christian article posted on this site. It is caring, impactful, and transforming. Enjoy reading the grace blogs and step into the sheep fold that brings divine protection. True reformation takes us beyond hearing sermons week after week and impacts our hearts and lives bringing new life, new hope, and new peace . Experience the difference.

Author's Bio: 

Bumponablog.com is an excellent source for Christian blogs and is designed to encourage pastors, church leaders, and all believers to continue fighting for the cause of their Faith. Author Bump Lumpkin delivers a fresh perspective through his creative use of the Christian blog .