Being a successful entrepreneur is not a destination; it’s a journey of risk-taking and learning experiences comprised of facing and overcoming challenges. Being an entrepreneur is often nerve-racking and scary. Still, a consistent effort, talent, and a strong desire to contribute meaningfully to the world will ultimately lead to success and satisfaction. Cathy Light is a serial entrepreneur . Her journey through corporate America garnered her a great deal of experience and shaped her entrepreneurial spirit. 

The bellow are the highlights of the Interview with Insights Success a Best Business Magazine. 

Cathy is the Founder and CEO of Liderança Group, the parent of four strategic brands: Assessment Leaders, Leadership Balance®, Be Well Perform Well, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Cathy has long recognized that it is an organization’s people that are responsible for its success. That’s why all four of Liderança Group’s brands are people-focused and thrive by helping clients worldwide exceed their goals by transforming their workplace culture.

Support for Women to Pursue Technology Ideas

Cathy believes that women need more success stories to inspire other women to pursue their dreams . She says, “It’s easy to let fear of failure or lack of tech knowledge hold you back. But don’t. Seek out what you need. There are support networks to guide you along the way: Women in Cloud, The WIT Network, IAMCP, and of course, Microsoft.”

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