Carnivorous plants are a type of plant that can lure, capture and kill life forms. Due to their small appetite and size, they mainly consume small insects such as flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, and moths. However, the largest carnivorous plant in the world, Nepenthes, can capture and digest larger species such as a frog. Despite their ability to lure, capture, and kill insects such as common household pests, it is erroneous to think that they can reduce the insect population in your home. Carnivorous plants have a small appetite. Therefore, it makes them an unsuitable candidate for pest control. Moreover, these plants can act as a burden on homeowners since they require plenty of water and a lot of care.

Although carnivorous plants require a lot of time and effort than compared to other plants, they can be a great source of decoration for your home. Furthermore, the scent these plants release to lure insects can be quite pleasing to the human nose. Yet, despite their vileness to insects, these plants are completely harmless to humans and animals. Thus, these plants can not only be educational for children but also safe around them. Here is a list of some carnivorous plants that are pleasing to the eyes:

  • Dionaea Muscipula (The Venus Flytrap)
  • The Venus flytrap, a green plant that is red in the inside, is most famous for its snap trap. It feeds on insects by trapping the ones that come in contact with one or two hairs located on the inner surface of their traps. However, human activity has completely eliminated this plant from the United States.
  • Pelargonium Graveolens (Rose Geranium)
  • A type of herb, this plant releases a strong scent, like that of a rose, which can be used to repel mosquitoes. Moreover, along with the strong floral scent it produces, its attractive appearance makes it ideal for your home!
  • Drosera Rotundifolia (Round-leaved Sundew)
  • This plant feeds on insects by attracting them with their bright red color appearance and then absorbing all of their nutrients. They capture insects with their adhesive leaves and eventually drown them.
  • Pinguicula Vulgaris L. (Butterwort)
  • Similar to the Round-leaved Sundew, the Butterwort attracts, lures, and traps insects with their leaves. Their appearance most resembles those of a violet. The butterwort can be easily found in the trees in Mexico but can also be seen in most regions of the United States.
  • Cestrum Nocturnum (Night Blooming Jasmine)
  • Along with Rose Geranium, the Night Blooming Jasmine is a plant known for repelling mosquitoes. The plant opens itself at night and releases a strong scent which effectively repels mosquitoes.
  • Nepenthes Alata
  • This plant has a jug-like structure filled with digestive liquids to capture and digest insects.

    Due to their ability to successfully capture and destroy insects, carnivorous plants are often mistaken as a form of natural or organic pest control . However, their ability to consume insects is not very effective when it comes to exterminating pests. Thus, homeowners should resort to other types of pest controlling methods when it comes to dealing with pests.

    Author's Bio: 

    Lena Chietenburger is an expert on pest control. She often writes about do-it-yourself and organic pest controlling methods. For more information about pest control visit: Pest