Here is a luscious cake that’s sure to please the whole family… and it’s one of my favorite cakes from the Caribbean. And this cake has a low glycemic index, it’s gluten-free, and it’s sugar-free… what more could a person ask for? Plus the flavor is to die for. And this cake is full of the great nutrition of bananas and the sweet brown-sugar like goodness of mesquite powder. And this cake is super simple to make.

Enjoy this cake!


2 – Cups of Organic Oatmeal Flour – I usually just make my own oatmeal flour with whole flattened oats that I place in my powerful blender to make flour.

1 – Cup of Organic Mesquite Powder – This sweetener has a super low glycemic index of 28 and a lovely brown sugar like flavor.

2 – Large Ripe Organic Bananas- Mashed

4 - Cups of Large Ripe Organic Bananas - Slice into 1-inch pieces

1/2 - Cup of Rum - No worries… the alcohol will disappear with the heat and only the rum flavor will be left behind… so add a little more rum you like more rum flavor.

1 – Teaspoon of Organic Baking Powder

1 – Teaspoon of Organic Vanilla Extract

1 – Teaspoon of Ground Organic Cinnamon

2 – Teaspoons of Organic White Vinegar

1/2 – Teaspoon of Himalayan Salt

1 1/2 – Cups of Filtered Water

1 – 9x9x3 inch Pyrex or Metal Pan

Take the banana slices them in a 9x9x3 pan. Next, take all the rest of the ingredients and blend them together until smooth and pour the batter over the mangos. spread out the batter and pop the pan into a 375-Degree oven for 60 minutes or until the top of the cake becomes nice and brown… and you start to see the bananas bubbling at the bottom of the pan.

Remove from the oven, let cool and serve… or let cool and place in the frig for a wonderful cold treat (That’s the way I love this cake)

Serves 12 people

Health Benefits of Organic Mesquite PowderOrganic mesquite powder comes from Mesquite tree pods and it has lots of health benefits. It’s sweet and has a low glycemic index, great for diabetics, no insulin spikes, and it has a nutty brown sugar flavor. It contains little or no fat or cholesterol and it’s full of fiber. Great for promoting the growth of probiotics and boosting up our immune system. And it contains calcium for strong bones, potassium for cardiovascular health, magnesium for enzyme production, and iron and copper for anemia. And it also contains some great antioxidants. Works great in baking in bread, pies, cookies, and more, and it can be used in beverages.

Enjoy This Wonderful Cake!

Another Whole-Foods Plant-Based Recipe

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share - This information is meant to get you started so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form. 
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to connect with him anytime.
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