Often feeling a burning sensation in your feet? Is it related to uric acid? It could be a warning indication of something more serious. The accumulation of excess uric acid in the body can cause burning in the soles of the feet. Gout is a phrase that refers to a group of health problems caused by elevated uric acid levels, and it usually affects your feet. Here is the answer to all your queries and doubts concerning Ayurvedic management!


Gout is an arthritic disorder characterised by high blood levels of uric acid. Gout attacks can be unpleasant and unexpected. You may feel a burning sensation, and the affected joint may stiffen and swell. Gout is three times more frequent in males than in women, and your chances of getting it rises after the age of 40. A burning feeling in the big toe is a common description of this painful illness. This inflammatory form of arthritis can also make your big toe highly sensitive to touch, causing intense discomfort even from minimal contact.

Burning Sensation On Feet


Your body produces uric acid to aid in the digestion of purines, which are found in some meals. Gout occurs when your body produces too much uric acid or you consume too many purines for your body to handle. The uric acid your body creates builds up in your blood when this happens. Uric acid dissolves in your blood under normal circumstances, allowing it to enter your kidneys and depart through your urine. When uric acid levels are excessively high, it creates hard, needle-like crystals that build up in your joints, producing gout.


Most people acquire gout and gout flare-ups as a result of eating a diet heavy in purine foods. Foods high in purine have been related to gout-like yeast, foods that have been processed, seafood, organ meats, beer, and baked goods, bread, cookies & pasta as examples of refined carbohydrate foods. Sugary and fructose-sweetened beverages can also cause an increase in uric acid, but they do not contain purines.

Blood and metabolic issues, as well as dehydration, cause your body to create too much uric acid. It may be more difficult for your body to remove excess uric acid if you have a kidney or thyroid problem, or if you have an inherited illness. If you're a middle-aged male or a postmenopausal woman, have gout-affected parents, siblings, or other family members, drink alcohol, or take medications like diuretics and cyclosporine, you're more likely to get gout.


Ayurveda promotes a holistic approach to health in general. Herbs, as well as lifestyle adjustments including exercise, meditation, and diet, can be used in Ayurvedic therapy. In Ayurveda , Vata Rakta or Aadya Vata is a traditional description of gout. Vata, Pitta, and Rakta Dhatu are all vitiated to generate Vata Rakta. Excessive consumption of Amla (sour), Lavana (salty), Tikta (bitter), Katu (pungent), Snigdha (too oily), Kshara (alkaline), and Ushna (too hot) foods, Ulavalu (Horsegram), Nishpava (anumulu, a bean variety), Blackgram, eating dried & preserved or spoiled fish/meat, and others are among the causes of Vata Rakta.

Vatarakta is divided into two categories based on the location of the ailment. The uttana (superficial) is found in the twak (skin) and mamsa (skin) (muscle). Gambhira (deep) is a more severe form that is found in the deeper dhatus. The creation of tophi or nodules takes place. Snehapanam, Elakkizhi, Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, Abhyanga swedam, Virechanam, Vasti, and other therapies are highly useful in treating or even curing Vatarakta.


Gout, if left untreated, can progress to gouty arthritis , a more severe form of arthritis . This painful illness can permanently damage and swell your joints.Your doctor can diagnose gout by looking at your medical history, performing a physical exam & observing your symptoms. The physician will most likely make a diagnosis based on how often you've had severe pain in your joint, the way you described your joint pain, and how red or swollen it is. A test to look for uric acid buildup in your joint may also be ordered by your doctor. A sample of joint fluid can be tested to see if it contains uric acid. They may also want to examine your joint with an X-ray. If you're suffering gout symptoms, firstly make an appointment with your doctor. If your gout is severe, you should seek the advice of a joint disease specialist.


There are various things you can do at home to help with gout inflammation. They may aid in the reduction of uric acid levels and the prevention of gout attacks. Tart cherries, diluted apple cider vinegar, ginger, magnesium, nettle tea, dandelion, celery, thistle seeds, and milk have all been recommended for gout. However, these may not be adequate to treat gout on their own. Cold compressions, like with most foot ailments, can assist to reduce the severity. The chill can assist to reduce inflammation, while the compression can aid to relieve pain.

Resting and elevating the joint, like with other inflammatory diseases, is beneficial. Raise the sore toe or hand above your heart with a comfortable pillow. Make sure your uric acid levels are within normal limits; they can get elevated if you don't drink enough water. Eight glasses of water each day are recommended. Purines should be avoided. Vitamin C may help reduce uric acid levels in the blood, which may be beneficial for persons with gout.

To wind up, generally burning feet associated with higher levels of uric acid may be diagnosed as gout which if not taken care of may lead to gouty arthritis - its severe form. Hence, maintain your uric acid levels at a normal range by following a healthy lifestyle!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com