As more and more people are making a decision to live outside their nation of origin, Buenos Aires is becoming one of the best options for expatriates. Besides the excitement of metropolitan living, there is also a sense of belonging, of the kind of place you might want to settle down for a season or for the rest of your life.

If for some reason you are considering relocating long term or even just for a year or two, consider Buenos Aires. With a highly literate and artistic population you will find many opportunities for personal growth . There is a high standard of living and rental and lease opportunities abound. There is also a thriving real estate industry; so finding a place to live is not difficult. It is also a great place to invest in real estate and you will find some very good international real estate consultancies in Buenos Aires. Check out Mainline Security Estate Management for instance owned and operated by British expats.

The food in Buenos Aires is just exotic enough to be exciting, but so unusual as to cause an expat to be miserable. In fact, Argentina is in the midst of a ‘great food revolution’. The cuisine is varied and encompasses the many cultural roots of the city and the growing expat communities ensure that the cosmopolitan flavor of the city finds its way your plate. An observant cook will enjoy the market and find economical nutritious and delicious recipes to master.

There are several barrios or neighborhoods, each distinctive, in Buenos Aires. The Palermo with its parks and botanical gardens is a great place for family visit. The Bosques do Palermo or woods of Palermo offer the opportunity for families to picnic, bike, boat, hike or just hang out with each other.

Recoleta is a barrio that is known for its higher standard of living. It is the perfect place for pet lovers. The apartment and hotels of the area are pet friendly. It is not unusual to see dog walkers with 4 or even more dogs on leash at a time. If you have a favorite pup that simply must relocate with you, this may just be the place for you. As you walk your dog and meet kindred spirits, you will likely find a new friend for yourself and your dog.

For the artist, Belgrano is where you will find your muse. There are several important art museums, many containing private art collections of famous and historic Argentines. During the weekends artists hang out in the flea markets and parks looking for fellowship and inspiration . At night they gather in neighborhood clubs and bars to dance and talk about art. Housing here is relatively inexpensive.

These are just three of the many distinctive barrios in Buenos Aires. While looking for a place of permanent or semi-permanent relocation, spend a little time in several neighborhoods to catch the vibe before settling down.

While living in Buenos Aries, having an income will be important, of course. If you have service or helping skills such as cosmetology skills, massage or chiropractic skills or are willing to teach English, you might be able to make an adequate living, as well as meet people to barter goods and services with. To live well, foreign currency is important. If you come to Buenos Aries and continue to earn dollars, or euros, through international or internet avenues you can make a pretty good living. Do not consider relocating to Buenos Aries without some sort of financial plan.

Most of all, while in Buenos Aires, enjoy life. Buenos Aires is the birth place of the Tango, a source of every type of music imaginable and a land of open and friendly people. There is no shortage of something to do, and people to meet. Affordable housing and food abound. Establishing yourself in a neighborhood, and making a decent living should not be difficult. Enjoy your new home!

Relocating to Buenos Aires?

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