The development of discount travel agencies and automated ticketing websites over a couple of years have drastically increased the competition in the travel industry. Live chat is the website tool that lifts your travel agency above the competition with live sales and exceptional customer service . It’s the standout feature that will influence your website visitors to pick you over your competitors.

Live Chat not only allows agents to make friendly, personable relationship with each and every visitor to the agency website but also provides immediate assistance to the client that needs to make last-minute improvements in travel arrangements, or the visitor that needs to do a flight booking instantly and doesn’t have time to wait for an email response.

It can make your website visitors feel as though they have passed through those glass doors of your agency.

Live Chat on your website projects the picture that your company is customer service oriented and shows people that a real person will be available to assist them if they are in need of customer support.


Giving Instant answers or any information more quickly and efficiently with Live Chat in comparison over the phone.
Share Travel Maps and Pictures of the destinations, hotel accommodations of your website with the visitors during the chat session.
Agents can do multitasking. one agent may assist several online visitors in the meantime, which decreases customer hold times.
Live chat is cost-effective for travel agencies of all sizes. Instant online support means that customers no longer need to be put on hold and get the attention they require in between peak business hours.
When your visitors inquire about the travel fees, you don’t have to write the same reaction again and again.

LiveChat enables you to save responses to commonly asked questions about the offer and send them with a couple of keystrokes. Your visitors will appreciate the quickness of your response and service.

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