Body building supplements are very essential in every bodybuilding workout program. While a common person will get all the nutrients he needs to lead a healthy life in diets alone, athletes or bodybuilders will need more nutrients that diets alone cannot provide. Their increased demand for nutrients on a daily basis is as a result of their daily workout routine, which requires adequately fueled muscles that a common person will not need.

Bodybuilding supplements will provide you with additional proteins, vitamins and minerals. These minerals and vitamins will provide you with energy and excess supplements that will build up muscles and nourish all other parts of your body so that they will not rob the muscles of nutrients and vitamins.

Irrespective of the enormous roles that bodybuilding supplements play, they should never be substituted for daily diets and exercises. When scouting for bodybuilding supplements do not get carried away by big brand names and labels, make sure you look out for supplements that may contain ingredients that you are allergic to.However, here are some generally used bodybuilding supplements that are effective.

Whey Protein Supplements – Casein

Casein is a slow-acting protein that will supply your body with amino acids for over a period of seven hours. Its faster delivery of protein aids protein synthesis while the longer acting protein prevents anti-catabolic effects and break down of protein, and this invariably promotes growth. In addition to this, casein has little or no lactose which most bodybuilders are allergic to. The milk provided by casein provides a whole lot of smaller protein called peptides, which has many essential health benefits. Casein contains cysteine, a primary endogenous antioxidant and liver detoxifier.


They are made from good bacterium like bifidus; they help the digestive system to work properly. They are important to body builders because they help lower the body’s cholesterol levels and stimulate immune response.

Omega-3 supplements

These supplements will help you prevent several kinds of cancer including prostate cancer. A generous intake of omega-3 bodybuilding supplements will help make cellular membranes more pliable to allow efficient interaction with cellular receptors and improve insulin sensitivity. It will also reduce inflammation, relieve sore muscles and joints and burn unwanted body fat. Omega-3 supplements have lots of health benefits and should be taken after breakfast. Researchers suggest and prove that middle aged people who eat omega-3 acid rich foods have a high chance of not having Alzheimer’s disease.


This is the only abundant amino acid in the tissues of the muscle. Extreme workouts can cause the loss of tons of L-glutamine which boost the volumizing muscle cells, speeds up muscle recovery and increase growth hormone recovery. As a result of this, bodybuilders have to replace lost l-glutamine by taking supplements.


This is the most efficient bodybuilding supplement particularly for those doing intense workout, if not, it will be a big waste to get creatine. It is important to first know that your body produces creatine – the liver combines glycine, methionine, and arginine to form creatine, a substance that rapidly increases muscle growth and strength. For those who do not love meat, it is important to let you know that meats are very good source of creatine; however, there are creatine supplements that can be taken to give you a huge boost. Creatine will help muscles grow by increasing your ability to lift heavier weights.

Nutrition Bars

This is an essential supplement for athletes who hardly find time to eat. There are high protein bars, sliming bars, and energy bars. It is not recommended for body builders as they contain addictives and fats.

Author's Bio: 

James G Perkins is the Owner of . A resource website where he shares his secret of weight lifting exercises . You can download his free eBook on where he talks about the best bodybuilding diets that works.