At this time of year many of us begin a process of reflecting on the past year and creating intentions for the coming new year. It’s a natural process based on our innate desire to become who we are meant to be in this life. As I begin this process, it strikes me that we are in a constant state of creating, evaluating, re-creating throughout our entire life. To some degree this is a never-ending process, but we can make it an easier, less disruptive one which gets results more quickly.

From my perspective, what we are doing here is really about living life from the perspective of the soul and living each day, each moment in harmony with who we are at our very core. I see this process as a birthing of the soul, a bringing forth of our true nature into every moment. This is really the purpose we all share in coming into this physical life experience – to realize and become, to experience and share our very nature, our essence, our own special part in the All That Is!

The key to “streamlining” this process is to adjust our focus a bit. If we begin to focus our attention on who we arerather than what we do, our “doing” will actually begin to flow from our “being” and this is the real secretof living the life we truly desire! What this does is to bring the focus to our individual self, the unique aspect of life that only we are here to experience. Each individual is here to play a part in the overall experience of the whole of life. No soul can trace the steps of another, but we can share our experiences and, through our sharing, we all see and experience more of Life!

It’s a continuous process – growing and expanding, evolving and creating – that has no “right “ and no “wrong” method to it. However, it does become a more naturally flowing process as we become more in touch and in tune with our true selves. I found that in order for me to experience a more naturally flowing life, I first had to get to know myself. This may sound a bit silly, but my experience and the experiences related to me by many others indicates to me that many of us go through life without ever really knowing ourselves at all.

During my process of self-realization (a process that continues today) the first step was to spend time getting to know myself – getting to know what’s really important to me in this life. I spent much of my first 40 years trying to be a person I thought others wanted me to be. Notice I said ‘I thought others wanted’ because I couldn’t possibly know exactly what others wanted. This was the source of much frustration and difficulty in my life. As I became more and more concerned with what I thought others wanted or expected, I lost myself and at the same time was unable to be or do what anyone else really wanted from me.

For me, it took a lot of alone time to peel away the façade I created as an image of who I thought I should be. There were a lot of hard moments as I reflected on my life. I had to look at myself with eyes wide open and see what was really going on. I had to feel my emotions and understand what they told me about what I valued in my life. What I place value on is a reflection of who I am. I express my true self through those things I feel are really important to me. Becoming who I really am requires that I take a deep look into my soul and choose for myself what is important and of value to me.

I never really liked the term “born-again” because the people who through the label around weren’t exactly what I would call “improved” in any way. My experience with the so-called born-again Christians was that they tended to project an attitude of superiority and judgment. They seemed to feel it was somehow their job to go out and convert everyone to their way of thinking. As though the rest of us were common sinners and needed to be saved. I realize this is a huge generalization and I have at the very least softened my view so I don’t want to dwell here. The reason I bring this up is that my experience of changing from living an ego-based life to living a soulful life was a sort of rebirth.

It’s not an “all of a sudden” miraculous change that happens overnight, but over the course of a few years I do actually feel like a whole different person. So, looking back, I can see that the process is akin to being born-again. It really is a birthing of my soul into this life. At least it is an awakening of consciousness that has opened my eyes to what is. And, as I awaken more and more, my awareness of who I am and what life is really about – at least for me – expands and grows. My perspective grows broader and I see more clearly everyday.

So, what is the benefit to this process of birthing your soul? When it comes right down to it, that’s what we all want to know. Because if there is no benefit, then why go through this process? Why overhaul your life rather than just keep trying to fine tune it? I mean come on now; wouldn’t that be a lot easier? Especially for us guys. We are always trying to fix things aren't we?

The answer is really simple. Take a look at your life and ask yourself this question. “Is my life working out the way I truly want it to?” If the answer isn’t an absolute “Yes!”then you might want to consider that there may be a better path for you to take. Because the real benefit to this process of birthing and awakening your soul, your true self, is a life of joy and love and peace . It is a truly a wonderful life that can only be experienced if you choose to wake up! Make the choice now to live the life you came here to live.

You are a being of light and love. You are waiting to be brought forth into this wonderland we call life and the time is here. You would not be reading this if you weren’t ready to be released. You have been constrained for long enough my dear friend. The time of your birthing is at hand. Though our paths are not the same I will shine my light as brightly as I can while you are finding yours. It is inside you. I can see it. I am here for you. There is no need to fear. You cannot fail. We are one, you and I, and all is well. You were lost but I have found you and I’ll be by your side as long as you need me to be.

Copyright 2010 Pat Benage All rights reserved.

Author's Bio: 

I am an author and crisis transformation coach. I am founder of , a website dedicated to connecting with Spirit and living life from the Soul's perspective. I'm currently offering a special coaching opportunity for a limited time. Go to and check out my special right away! I don't know how long I'll be able to continue this very special deal.