For publishers, is one of the most forward thinking and lucrative PPC networks available for Publishers right now. You put in very little time, they do most of the work, and you get 90% of the profits. They have advanced algorithms that pick the perfect ads, both contextually and visually, for your site, maximizing the income and quality for your needs. The system was tested for years by its creators before becoming available to the public and its effectiveness is a testament to all of the time and effort that was put into perfecting it for Publishers. The Publishers Program is open to and suited to almost any site owner or publisher, from small, one-person blogs to huge high traffic company homepages.

There are several reasons for its rapidly growing popularity:

It is totally free to join. only profits when you do.
It is quick and easy to get started. You just copy and paste an HTML code (generated for you when you sign up) wherever you want ads to appear on your site, or multiple sites.
You are guaranteed maximum income. Advertisers bid for a spot on your site and only the highest bidders’ ads make it to your page. Your page is guaranteed the highest quality and quantity ads.
Any size site owner benefits. With the way the ads are matched, it ensures the right ads will appeal to the site’s traffic and generate clicks. The only sites excluded are social media sites (unless the publisher owns and has access to the code); and sites that reference or sell things that are illegal (infringe on copyrights or trademarks) or dangerous to consumers (controlled substances, drug paraphernalia) or society (obscenity, promote hate, racism or sexually oriented/adult content). The full list is on the site and they reserve the right to freeze accounts that offer such things, which makes sense as a publisher.
The simple start-up was definitely a selling point and should be for anyone who is pressed for time. To sign up, you just go to and sign up as a publisher. Then you log in to your control panel, click “Ad Code Wizard,” leaving the field “Filler Contents URL” blank. Then an HTML code is generated and you copy it on to your site in the spots where you want the ad. You can use the code on as many sites as you want, and you can have up to 3 ads a page. The first time takes 1-4 weeks for approval and the code has to be in place for the account to be approved (If it isn’t, the box on your site will just say “Your Ads Here”). After that initial approval, ads will show up immediately as soon as you add the HTML code to your site.

One of the best things about PPC Publishers at is you don’t have to give up other lucrative ads. Their ads can run on pages with other publishing programs, but you just want to be sure not to add too many ads to a page or readers may be frustrated and go elsewhere.

Payment is rather fast and always secure. They are also refreshingly structured, sent the between the 25th and 30th each month via PayPal, MoneyBookers, AlertPay or bank wire transfer if you have pre-arranged it to come that way. Earnings just have to be over $10.00 and you will get paid every month. Support is great and the staff is available 24/7 on the email/chat support on the “Contact” page.

Author's Bio: 

BreezeAds is one of the best PPC Advertising that offers wide variety of monetizing methods for PPC Publishers websites. Also best tools are available for Advertisers to use at contextual network.