An interactive, informative and user-friendly website is the need of the hour in this cut-throat competitive business environment. A well-developed website not only enables company to showcase its products/services, but also enables it to interact with the client directly and increase its sales and in turn revenue. Therefore, it is important that your website is user friendly and compatible to various browsers. Seeing the importance of a user-friendly and interactive website, many web developers are resorting to PSD slicing process, which is all about converting a PSD or other graphical documents to value XHTML codes without needing software with CSS exporting features. PSD slicing is simple, efficient and quick, being cost effective for quick slicing and providing amazing results. One of the renowned types of PSD slicing is PSD to HTML conversion. Not only the process makes your website lighter and more interactive, it also makes it search-engine friendly. In this process, your website is marked with XHTML tag semantics and the meaning of the content, which helps in driving more traffic and thus ensuring higher search engine rakings. This process ensures improved efficiency and flexibility in core business activities, resulting in greater revenues for your company.

Since PSD to HTML conversion is a bit complex process, it is important to keep various tings in mind. Some of these things include highly validated code, proper indentation of codes, specify to strict DOCTYPE, use of encoding characters set & amp;, avoiding unnecessary Divs, use of CSS for typography, better naming conventions and logical ordering.

Another type of PSD slicing includes PSD to Joomla conversion. The Joomla conversion services normally require object oriented programming techniques and are usually written in PHP. With Joomla conversion, you can introduce various features to your website such as printable versions of pages, blogs, polls, search, news flashes, page caching, RSS feeds, and support for language internationalization. Joomla conversion makes your website lighter and easier to use. Also, it offers a consistent look to the whole website. With the WYSIWYG editor, you can add , edit, manage and publish content. You can also add and change new pages by using Joomla. Moreover, you can also permit your customers to easily operate their own sites themselves with a negligible amount of instruct. Another important benefit of Joomla Conversion is that coding is done in the table less XHTML or CSS, so you won't feel any worry in using them. Moreover, a Joomla website will be compatible with all major browsers such as IE 7.0, IE 8.0, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome. Therefore, Joomla conversion empowers a website with all the much required features
There are numerous things one should take care while preparing W3C Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Table-less CSS markup

• Clear CCS files

• Browser compatibility with all browsers including IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari (including old and new versions)

• Module positions must be collapsible and flexible

• Fast Loading due to minimal file requests, gzip compression and image sprites. Because this is not always possible with CMS, but there extensions available to perform these processes.

• Search Engine Optimized - Friendly site fully accessible, without JS

• Compatibility with major components/modules/plugins, please specify if their might be any issues that may arise

• Our Joomla template is also compatible to W3c valid XHTML/CSS markup. Different versions of Joomla can be optimized like 1.0, 1.5 or 1.6

Author's Bio: 

The author is a highly professional and an experienced Content writer who publishes for Business Development. Visit at to know more about PSD to XHTML .