A lot of people are terrified of the thought of speaking in front of a large crowd, but did you know that you stand to gain a lot just by reaping the benefits of conquering the fear of speaking in public?

Glossophobia is the technical term for the fear of public speaking . People who suffer from glossophobia have a tendency to freeze in front of any audience, even if it's just two people in the audience. They find that their face will start to twitch, their mouth will then dry up, their voice will then become weak and quivery and apart from all that their body will begin to shake.

Apart from the professional benefits you can gain from conquering your fear of public speaking , you can also benefit from it personally. Think about it once you are not afraid of speaking in public your personality automatically becomes more enhanced which will make you seem more dynamic to other people - you will develop that super self-confidence that you have always wanted!

Beating the fear will definitely give you more confidence, making you more sociable compared to when you allowed the fear to overcome you. Once you get rid of the fear you will no longer feel anxious every time you need to do a speech in front of a large crowd. Having self-confidence will also aid you to have a more positive mental attitude towards yourself and life in general.

Another great benefit that you can get from conquering your fear of public speaking is increased self-esteem ( self-esteem is how you respect or value yourself). If you have low self-esteem then overcoming the fear will help shape your character and personality for the better.

You will also find another benefit, once you have overcome your fear of public speaking: your communication skills will become much better because your ability to interact with other people will improve. This is all because you will already be comfortable with speaking before a large group of people; so you will be more focus towards the topics being discussed because you will be actively listening to the other person and be relaxed thorough out. This in turn will make you feel less nervous. Conquering the fear of public speaking can also aid in your speaking skills, through learning correct voice projection and pronunciation.

Getting the confidence to speak before a small or large group of people can benefit you a lot if you have difficulty or problems with projecting your voice clearly and pronouncing your words correctly.

As you can see, conquering your fear of public speaking is not just intended to assist you to become a better speaker no, conquering the fear will also greatly develop your personality and character, which in turn will make all parts of your life more pleasing and enjoyable. Good Luck!

Author's Bio: 

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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