You know that guestbook that you keep at your table during busy crafts shows? The one that people will sign to get updates, giveaways and upcoming show schedules from you? should have one of those already to build an email list and if you don't, make sure you have one from now on. Most artists don't know how to effectively market to the list they have spent time building.
That list of craft show visitors can be a huge pool of prospective customers come time for the holidays or certain seasons when some art is more popular. If you sell jewelry for instance, spring is a strong selling time or even back to school. If you sell outdoor yard art, the warmer months get people thinking about purchasing for their yards and porches. The point is that your email list just doesn't have to be an announcement about what show you'll be at next. Too many of your customers on that list may not be able to make it to your next show but would love to call you or visit your website to make a purchase.
An email can send valuable clickable links to your prospects that can take them to your website store, resources they would find interesting and even to accessories or services that compliment your art. These resources will pay you a commission for anyone you send to their website and the customer makes a purchase. There are plenty of creative ways to make additional revenue other than just selling your art.
Using the power and reach of the Internet, you can turn a single customer that bought from you at an art show one time and turn them into a customer for life, for next to nothing as an investment. You are busy booking shows, making your art and possibly even going to a full time job everyday or being a parent. You can use email marketing to create sales 24/7 for your family by promoting your art offline or online.

Author's Bio: 

Alka Dalal, MA. , MS., (NYU and Rutgers University) with many years of corporate experience, founded i-Speak Consulting to enable individuals to take a pro-active approach in being effective communicators in the workplace. She has enjoyed success with different careers, family life and business. She is thrilled to share the stories of her struggles and triumphs in spite of adversities with others, to help them build their dreams and succeed in their own ways and finding their own creativity.She draws upon her vast experience to provide valuable tips on how to succeed in today’s economy using great tool called Internet Marketing.