During these days, resume is considered as a marketing tool and it should contain all the essential things needed. However, there are lot of things which must not be included and should be avoided and they are as follows:

Fake Things:-A person must be honest to the employer and should not include fake things in the resume to get the job. If employer finds any inappropriateness in the resume, it can harm a person;s reputation.

Explaining Reasons of Leaving Previous Job:-It is not necessary to explain the reasons of leaving previous job in the resume as it can be informed in person. Whatever is the reason whether a person has left the job because of the salary unsatisfactory, need to advance the career, work, etc.

Irrelevant Job Experience:-A person who have changed his career every time can get a problem at the time of interview. Only include jobs of related field rather than including all the job experiences. Adding too much information is not needed as it can make resume unattractive. An employer does not want to know about the part time job of the employee but only want to know about the skills and experience in particular field.

Achievements that are Not Professional:-
A person must only include the professional achievements in the resume rather than including non professional achievements. A professional achievement a person earned must only be included in the resume. If it is a team achievement , explain how much is your contribution to it honestly and the individual role.

Photographs or Physical Descriptions:-Photographs are not at all added in the resume and neither physical descriptions are added. A recruiter does no want to know about your long hair or how much hours you spend for your hair. Always include professional thing in the resume. Some people think that photo gives a professional look to the resume but it is not correct. Even professional writers also suggests not to include photos in the resume.

Expectation of Salary:-Job seekers are not sure about the salary they are going to get from the company where they are recruited but it is not correct to include salary expectations too low or too high in the resume as this may disqualify you from getting the job. After finalizing the job, a person can tell about the expectation of the salary.

Hobbies:-Do not include any odd hobbies in the resume or it is not necessary to include hobbies at all in the resume. A hiring manager does not want to know about your hobbies and only wants to know about the skills you have. If a recruiter asks the hobbies of a person, he can explain it during the time of interview.

Private Things:-
A person does not have to include caste or religion in the resume. An employer is also prohibited from asking a religion or caste to the employee and so it is not necessary to include such private things.

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