What is TriphaLax from Avesta Herbals?

Avesta Ayurceutics TriphaLax is a mixture of three herbs . It is a greatly admired and commonly used Ayurvedic prescription for gastrointestinal health and it is used for maintaining a healthy colon improve digestion and strengthen and rejuvenate tissues.

TriphaLax from Avesta Herbals comprises of Indian Senna. Senna as per Ayurveda helps to diminish pita from the body thereby enabling free movement of the Vata inside the body. It also helps to stimulate liver for accurate secretion of enzymes. The Coriander fruits present in the TriphaLax help to sooth as well as stimulate digestion.

Main Constituents:

Senna Alexandrina: 30mg

Triphala: 400 mg

Organic Coriander Sativum fruit: 100mg

Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects of Avesta Ayurceutics TriphaLax


  • Avesta Ayurceutics TriphaLax is a natural herbal remedy to cure constipation
  •   It helps to reduce indigestion.
  • It raises bile acid secretion which supports digestion.
  • It contains laxative properties.
  • It helps to stimulate liver for accurate secretion of enzymes.
  • It contains rejuvenative properties
  • It eliminates toxins from liver thus preserving healthy liver function.
  • It decreases cholesterol levels in the blood
  • It reduces high blood pressure and hypertension and improves total blood circulation
  • TriphaLax prevents aging , imparts immunity, and improves mental faculties.
  • It has anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and anti-allergic properties.


2 capsules at bedtime, or as has been directed by the physician.

Side Effects

Medical journals have not yet reported any major side effects.

Do’s And Don’ts for Constipation and Indigestion

For Constipation


  • Have Fruits and vegetables which contain fiber
  • Have fresh food
  • Drink lots of water
  • Have Yogurt as it holds lactic acid
  • Do consistent physical exercise
  • Have cereals and whole grain bread


  • Do not have beans, fried foods and gas forming vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage.
  • Do not mix several foods in the same meal

For Indigestion


  • Make your meals light and relatively small
  • Make yourself relax while eating
  • Eat slowly and chew your food well
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Do regular exercise
  • Do avoid alcohol


  • Do not avoid meal
  • Do not eat too much
  • Do not eat fruits right before or after you have your meal
  • Do not smoke
  • Do not eat late at night


Avesta Ayurceutics TriphaLax - Natural Herbal Remedies for Constipation and Indigestion This Product encompasses Senna. Thus, do not use it if you have diarrhea, loose stools or stomach pain because Senna may deteriorate these conditions which may harm your health. KEEP out of reach of children.

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About Onlineherbs:

OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

TriphaLax from Avesta is herbal remedy to get relief from occasional constipation and to maintain proper digestion.