This is probably the most cut and dry aspect of a business. An employee is present or not. Employees are very important and need to be at work. But how is this done fairly when there are full time employees, part time employees, and some places have per diem (as needed) employees. What should the expectations be?

The following is an example that can be used or decide what number your company fills comfortable with. For full time employees it is fair to expect that no more than eight days a year will someone miss work. There needs to be no explanation for absences. The employee has something come up, was sick, or had to help the family etc. I would not even ask for an explanation, the employee is simply absent. But in a year, and this is a rolling year, upon the 4th absence the employee receives a verbal warning. Upon the 5th a written warning. 6th gets a second written warning. On the 7th the employee gets a final warning. And yes upon the 8th absence in a rolling year the employment is terminated, Very cut and dry and easy to understand.

A part time employee at 30 hours is allowed 6 and at 20 hours is allowed 4 absences in a rolling year.

And as needed employee is allowed none. They are only coming in now and then. The only time this changes is if you have the person coming in as a part time or full time employee.

It is very important to document the warning and to keep the employees updated on the status of attendance. It also has a great way to have people make it to work. Write the policy up and hand it out to every employee. Every now and then tell the employees where they stand in regards to attendance. And praise those that are doing well also.

Author's Bio: 

Liz Cosline
SongofOneUnexpectedLife - S.O.U.L.

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