The answer should be an unconditional, “yes!” But you may not know that, because you don't love yourself, or you may answer yes, but still find yourself having great difficulties finding love or keeping love alive.

Instead of truly being open to being loved, you may be feeling like the only way you can feel good about yourself is if someone loves you. If this is the case, you are suffering from a lack of nurturing during your childhood. You are really looking for a nurturing parent, because you lacked one as a child. And that is not what healthy love relationships are all about.

I know what you are experiencing in your search for love, because this is the experience I had as a child. My mother told me she hated me, and my father threatened my life. I had to look outside of my family for nurturing and comfort. I looked for it from my partners, but until I learned how to love myself, I
was unable to return any form of nurturing or comfort to any of my potential partners. That is why all of my relationships failed until I learned how to be my own Nurturing Parent which is a very critical element of loving yourself.

Since we all come into this world loving ourselves, what do you think happened to you?

How did you learn to not love yourself? This is important to know, because this is blocking your ability to have true intimacy in your relationships, and it is blocking your ability to find your soulmate. You will need to heal your childhood wounds, so you can share who you are with your partner. When you don’t love yourself, you hide your real self from others, because you don’t really know who you are.

I want to stress the importance of unraveling the mystery of your life, and learning who you really are. You deserve to love yourself and to be loved. You deserve to enjoy the pleasure and joy of success in love and life. I know you can succeed. I was once exactly where you are now, and I have love and success today. So I know you can too.

You may not realize this, but just by reading my article right now, you are saying to yourself, I want to love myself and I want more intimacy in my life, so I can truly be someone who is open to being loved.

Here’s the secret you need to understand and apply. You must love yourself unconditionally. You must believe you are brilliant, capable, special, creative, loving, lovable, witty and wise. You do not need to do anything to believe in yourself, because you were born with all of these qualities. If you lack self-acceptance, it is because someone taught you that you were not okay. Whoever that person was, please know that they lacked self-love too. They didn’t know how to validate your magnificence. They were wrong, and any negative beliefs you have about yourself are false!

You are magnificent, and you do not need to be perfect to be loved or to succeed in love and life.

You need to understand and accept that any mistakes you make are truly a learning experience for you to take advantage of. All human beings make mistakes. You are a divine human being, and you can pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes, and move forward with the ability to not repeat any mistakes you have made.

You always needed support and guidance in life, not criticism and harsh judgments. I am so sorry you did not receive the nurturing support you needed, like myself.

If you are criticizing yourself or harshly judging yourself, you also learned to do this, and you are undermining your own magnificence. It’s time to validate yourself with compliments and praise, so you can truly be open to be loved for who you are, and then you will be able to return love and acceptance to your partner or you will be able to attract your soulmate. This is critical to being someone who can be loved.

"You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth." Unknown

If you don’t realize your worth, and believe in yourself and love yourself…how can you truly expect someone else to love and accept you? Please believe in yourself, expect the best, and get it. Heal whatever wounds are blocking you from loving and nurturing yourself, and be truly open to a healthy, equal relationship where both you and your partner are able to give love and receive love. And where both you and your partner are open to sharing who you are, what you are thinking and what you want.

You will truly then be someone who is open to being loved, and you will have a love-filled and joy-filled life as a result. I am so happy you are open to learning how to truly love yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Dawson, MA is a Love and Relationship Coach, a Trauma practititoner, and a Certified Couples Communication Trainer. Sandra’s mission is to increase love on our planet one coaching session, one teleseminar, one eBook, one workshop or one home study course at a time. Contact Sandra for loving support and guidance to learn to love yourself and to eliminate anxiety and get Sandra's FREE "Love Yourself Now" eNewsletter by clicking here:

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