At one time or another, all of us have found ourselves infatuated, in lust, and even in love during our days of dating . We meet someone who either looks, acts, or just is incredible in our eyes. That's why first impressions are so important…or are they?

Most times, when you're trying to meet the right person to spend your life with, it takes a lot of effort, time, and dates. Certainly, some people find that special someone right out of the gates, but for most of us it takes quite a while.

So what happens when you think you found the one, only to end up with disappointment because the image of what the future holds has been tainted?

Perhaps, you were extremely hurt because of all the time, not to mention heart that you put into the relationship, only to find that it's over. Or, maybe you simply went on a few dates with someone and realized that your first impression of who you thought they were really was a façade.

Here are a few characteristics to watch out for while out on the dating scene. These are only a few, but you can continue the list by adding your own pet-peeves of what is a no-no in your expectations of what a partner should hold.

•The relationship is on and off again. So much drama going back and forth.
•They like to argue points too much. There's nothing wrong with a good debate, but not on every subject.
•They party way too much. You never have any good times without it, or they'd rather be at a bar than be with you most times.
•They go from job to job; never holding a steady one for very long, or they don't want to work.
•They aren't family oriented or they're disrespectful to family and friends.
•They put you last on their priority list.
•They flirt inappropriately.
•They are overly jealous or controlling.
•They are aggressive or abusive toward you or others.
•They are a redneck or a bully; like to start fights.
•They don't have any set goals for the future for them self or with you.
•They lie, steal, or cheat.

What is so great about dating is that you always get another chance to make adjustments to your future. While you make changes, consider looking at the person and accessing what you see; not what you want to see. Don't settle just because of time, effort, or heartache involved. Don't waste more time on a relationship that isn't right for you. You know if it is or if it isn't. No one can tell you that but you.

The sooner you make the right adjustments, the sooner you get past difficult situations now and in the future. Then, the sooner you find your way to love and happiness .

To read more on dating, relationships, family and friends, check out my book, Loving with Purpose.
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Author's Bio: 

KIMBERLY MITCHELL is the author of Loving with Purpose and writer of articles for such venues as her blog,,, and other websites offering advice. As an entrepreneurial relationship contributor and a student of life, she believes that good or bad, personal experience is the best teacher.

Her history of talents range from producing and presenting instructional material and business solutions for business leaders, including management and leadership courses, personal development, diversity, and technical training, to website creation and graphic design of company newsletters, brochures, websites, and educational material. Her work in human resources, along with her technical ability, provided her opportunities to combine those skills, expanding her efforts to achieve success personally and professionally.

Today, Kim has taken the long road of putting what she knows to paper. She has received so much more from the experience than she ever expected and she's thankful for the opportunity to contribute. All she wants is to see palpable change in the way people treat each living and loving with purpose.

Kim lives in Ohio with her husband, along with other family members and friends. For more information about relationships, please visit .