The other day, I was thinking about how, as human beings, we can say that we want one thing but do things that don’t match up with what we want. Along with this, we can question if it is possible to attain it and even criticise what we want.
As a result of this, we might not be able to attain or experience what we desire. The reason for this is that in order for this to take place, there has to be an inner alignment.
Two Levels
So, on one level, it can appear that, as human beings, we are solid and are separate from everyone and everything. But, at a deeper level, we are made up of vibrating energy and are not separate from anyone or anything.
With this in mind, for us to attain or experience something, we need to be energetically aligned with it. This involves having the thoughts and feelings that we would have if it was already a part of our reality and seeing this reality as already existing.
Another Reality
Therefore, if someone wants to be in a loving relationship, for instance, but they are constantly complaining about men or women, doesn’t believe that it is possible for them to have what they desire and even rarely go out, the chances of them materialising what they desire is very low. But, if they don’t understand how their outer world is reflecting back their inner world, they can believe that they are unlucky or can’t have what they want.
Yet, as they are likely to have grown up in and be part of a society that is caught up in the illusion of things being solid and separate, this is not going to be a surprise. What is going on internally is then not going to be seen as having much of an impact on what is going on around them.
Another Part
Consequently, thanks, in part, to what they believe about the nature of reality, the people in their life that have the same or similar views about men or women and the material that they typically expose themselves to, they can stay trapped in a reality that is not serving their highest good. For this to change, something inside them will also need to change.
For example, after experiencing life in this way for a while, they could end up believing that they need to try a different approach. What this could do is send them along a path that allows them to gradually become aware of why they are unable to change this and perhaps other areas of their life.
Final Thoughts
Fortunately, there is no shortage of information available when it comes to how to manifest something. So, if someone wants to create a reality where they are in a loving relationship or anything else for that matter, guidance on how to align themselves with what they desire is only a few clicks or taps away.
Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation; including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, enmeshment, inner child, true self and inner awareness. With over three thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
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