Prostatitis is common in cold weather. Their symptoms are diverse, including frequent urination, incomplete urination, urethral pruritus, low back pain , wet scrotum, acid swelling, pain in the perineum, groin, or scrotum, and testis. These symptoms worsen after sex. In particular, low back pain , groin or testicular acid swelling pain is more prominent, and so on.

Although their symptoms are diverse, they can be summarized as pain and abnormal urination symptoms. If the patient has the following symptoms, observe first and then judge whether it is related to prostatitis.

1. Frequent urination and increased nocturia: under normal circumstances, keeping the urine volume of one day at about 1500ml is an ideal urine volume. According to the micturition volume of about 300ml each time, the micturition times of 5-6 times a day are normal.

Therefore, frequent urination is considered when the number of urination times in a day is greater than eight times. If you drink too much water every day or in the short term, it is normal to increase the number of urination under drinking too much, cold stimulation, etc. And drinking more water or alcohol before sleeping at night will certainly increase nocturia.

Therefore, if the number of micturition increases significantly in many days, it is recommended to record the micturition diary (that is, record the number of micturition per day and the total urine volume of one day. The total urine volume of one day is the sum of the urine volume discharged each time, which requires a dosage cup to record the urine volume discharged each time).

When the urine volume of a day increases significantly, reduce the amount of drinking water first, keep the urine volume in the normal range (about 1500ml), and then observe the number of urination.

2. Incomplete urine: it is recommended to go to the hospital for bladder residual urine examination. If the residual urine is less than 50ml, don't care too much.

3. After urinating, there are still a few drops of urine dripping into your underwear: before you think this is an abnormal state, observe whether there are still a few drops of water dripping after tightening the faucet. The water is leaking from the water pipe at the far end of the faucet switch after tightening the faucet.

Similarly, the male urethra is relatively long and close to 500px. After urinating, some urine will remain in the urethra. When the residual urine in the urethra has not been completely drained, there will undoubtedly be urine dripping into your underwear when you wear pants.

4. Poor sleep, sweating, easy fatigue, low back pain , and more severe after sex: in addition to disease factors, these symptoms can be found in poor rest, mental tension, and sub-health status. These symptoms are not specific to prostatitis. Therefore, when these symptoms appear, don't always worry about whether it is prostatitis.

5. Scrotal dampness: some patients do have symptoms of scrotal dampness during prostatitis, but this is not a specific symptom of prostatitis. Usually wearing too many clothes and trousers, inappropriate, humid environment and difficult ventilation can be the reasons. Therefore, if the scrotum is wet, you can change your living habits first.

6. There are sticky secretions at the urethral orifice during penile erection or sexual life: when penile erection or sexual excitement, the urethral orifice will secrete some clear liquid, which is a normal phenomenon, and there is no need to worry.

7. Fast ejaculation, erection hardness, and duration are not enough, and there is no erection in the morning: these phenomena occasionally appear in the sexual life of long-term separated couples. When these symptoms occur frequently or continuously, you need to seek the help of a professional doctor.

In addition, erection at night or in the morning is closely related to normal health and rest. It is unnecessary to have a good erection at night or in the morning every day, and there is no need to worry too much. When erection decreases at night or in the morning, accompanied by frequent life difficulties, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Prostatitis, especially chronic prostatitis, is very common. But men need first to identify whether it is prostatitis before deciding on treatment. Due to the particularity of chronic prostatitis, its medication time will be relatively long. Therefore, choosing herbal medicine without side effects is both safe and effective. There are typical Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill .

Patients can cure chronic prostatitis as long as they cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan. In addition to taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor, they also need to collaborate with some physical treatment methods, such as keeping the genitals clean, dry, and refreshing.

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