All over the news, we are hearing that the economy is getting better. And, it's true! More and more people are going back to work. More and more these same people are starting to spend money driving and strengthening our economy. However, for several people, it doesn't feel like the recession as gone anywhere. The truth is, there are several people that are dealing with credit card debt these days as a result of financial hardships during the recession. Now, a lot of these people are looking into balance transfer credit cards as a debt relief option. But, are balance transfer credit cards a good debt relief option?

Well, for some people they are. If you are one of the many people that even through tough financial times you made your payments on time every time. You may not know how you did it but, you did it! If you are one of these people, chances are balance transfer credit cards are a great option for you. This is because you have built your credit score and maintained your good credit score even through the tough times. This credit score will help you to qualify for balance transfers. Also, if this is the case, you may not be facing a financial hardship! You may just need a little boost in your finances to help you get back on track and that's exactly what balance transfer credit cards do.

On the other hand, there are of course quite a few people that simply couldn't make their payments on time every time. However, they made an attempt and at least 10 or 11 months out of each year, these people made payments on time. If you are one of these consumers, it's kind of a toss up. This can be signs of early financial hardship or minor financial hick-ups. Only you can be the judge. If you feel like you are in the beginning of what will soon become a bad situation, chances are, you're right! At this point, you may want to look into financial hardship programs with your lender for debt relief.

And of course, there are several people out there who suffered a lot worse than most. Some consumers have had to deal with such an extreme financial hardship that they simply could not afford to make payments every month. Some people still to this day don't make payments. At this point, I would suggest a more intense form of relief like credit card debt settlement or credit card debt consolidation .

I hope that I've answered any questions that you may have had. For any more information on this topic, please feel free to email me at or go to my website by clicking one of the links below!

Author's Bio: 

My name is Joshua Rodriguez. I am the owner of the JEM Credit Cards website. As a matter of fact this article was based on one of my recent works, " Are Balance Transfer Credit Cards My Best Option? ". I also answer many other credit card based questions such as, " What is the best credit card? ". I hope you enjoy all of my work!