Prevention is better than cure. This old adage holds so true when it comes to matters of skin aging . Dermatologists say that human skin starts aging after 25 years of age. Its functions start showing signs of wear and tear and its quality starts deteriorating. Wrinkles and patches on skin are tell-tale signs of the deterioration happening beneath the layers. Using anti aging creams at the right time can prevent complete damage of the skin.

My face is smooth – why should I use a wrinkle cream?

Some of you might argue about the use of aging creams on an otherwise smooth and supple face. Often, people think that as long as wrinkles don’t appear on the face, they need no anti aging cream. How wrong!

Even though your face is still firm and smooth, you must start using a light anti aging formula as you approach the 30’s. This is because, sooner or later, you will get wrinkles. Aging is an inevitable biological process; nobody escapes from it. How you deal with it is what matters and determines the beauty of your face.

I am okay with wisdom lines on my forehead – should I still use a cream?

For those who don’t mind creases on their face and still consider those forehead lines as “ wisdom lines” can relax and even skip reading this; but mind you, a severely wrinkled face doesn’t look good at all.

Besides, it is not wrinkles alone that you need to deal with; aging also comes with patchy, rough skin, discoloration and photo-aging spots. So, people who are okay with wisdom lines should also use anti aging creams to cope with spots and discoloration.

Never, ever ignore that first wrinkle

Ignoring the first wrinkle is one of the biggest mistakes of life. This holds true particularly for people who are conscious of their beauty . For women who consider wrinkles as “streaks of doom” on the face need to immediately sit up and take notice.

Wrinkles have started appearing on your face means that the damage has already been done; now it will only worsen. If you still ignore them, it won’t be long before you find yourself looking for a deep wrinkle cream rather than a lighter formula.

Certain skin care brands have formulated anti aging formulas for all ages. Whether you got only fine lines or got deep wrinkles, you can get a formula suited for specific aging needs.

For women who have already made the mistake of ignoring initial wrinkles and are now exhibiting a deeply wrinkled face should not worry. Powerful creams exclusively designed for deep wrinkles like forehead furrows, crow’s feet, frown lines, and more can effectively lighten depressions on the skin. These creams are rated at the top by wrinkle cream ratings.

So, ladies, if you have just celebrated your 25th birthday, start looking for an anti aging formula. If you have just crossed 30, get a wrinkle cream without delay. If you are above 40 and already got wrinkles, worry not. It’s never too late to start reversing aging. The best anti aging creams are here to help you.

Author's Bio: offers an excellent collection of anti aging creams that have found top position in wrinkle cream ratings . You can also order a deep wrinkle cream on the site.