A typical anti aging cream is categorized as a cosmetic. This is the reason why skin experts advise to be careful while choosing creams from over the counter (OTC). It is wiser to use a cream recommended by a dermatologist than buying a product based on your own whims and fancy or a commercial.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and creams

The FDA classifies lotions and creams as cosmetics. These are products with zero medical value. Now, as the FDA is meant to regulate only drugs and other medical products, it is less strict on cosmetics. In fact, cosmetic companies are not obliged to undergo stringent testing for effectiveness and safety of their products before their launch in the market.

Now, you see why skin experts ask you to be wary of OTC products. The FDA does not scrutinize cosmetics, so OTC products have no guarantee of effectiveness, sometimes even of safety.

There are times when the FDA intervenes in the cosmetic world. This happens when commercials depict their products as drugs or when certain cosmetics contain potentially harmful ingredients. In such cases, the FDA issues an order to either ban the product or include a warning sign on the label about risks or side effects involved.

Things to keep in mind while choosing an anti aging cream

• OTC creams contain active ingredients in lower concentrations, as compared to creams prescribed by dermatologists or medical experts. So, it is likely that OTC creams may fail to provide desired results or may provide only temporary results.

• Most OTC products are hardly subjected to rigorous research or scientific study. They are prepared more commercially than medically. So, they contain commonly-used ingredients. Research has discovered a few scientific ingredients that are highly effective in reducing wrinkles. Commercially produced creams are still miles away from them.

• A heavy price tag on a cream must not tempt you to buy it. Money may buy you luxury, but not all luxurious products are pricey. For example, Hydroxatone skin care, one of the top rated and luxurious brands for the skin, is affordable. If you are wondering, “where can I buy Hydroxatone,” just visit the brand's website.

• It is usually seen that once you stop using regular anti-aging creams, wrinkles return to your face. This means that the creams fail to repair the skin from beneath. They work only superficially.

• Several women have reported to have rashes, breakouts, or allergies on their skin after using certain OTC creams. Besides, not all creams may suit everybody. Sensitive-skinned people need to be extra careful while using just any cream from the beauty store. In fact, they must stay away from regular creams and use only top branded and recommended creams for their skin.

If you are confused what cream to buy, consult a dermatologist. He or she knows best about your skin. They also keep pace with the latest development and research when it comes to skin care. So, they are apt to give you suitable tips and even answer queries related to skin care.

Never use an anti aging cream just for the sake of using it. If your skin has wrinkles, it means it is damaged from within. It needs the best cream that not only repairs it, but also pampers it.

Author's Bio: 

Hydroxatone offers many a scientifically-produced anti aging cream . If you wish to know more about Hydroxatone skin care and are wondering “ where can I buy Hydroxatone ,” visit the brand's website.