We all have heard about gluten free diets that became very popular in the past few years, but not everyone knows what a gluten free diet has to offer, who should use it and why this diet is so beneficial.

Millions of people in America choose going gluten free for a number of reasons: some do it exclusively for health reasons like gluten intolerance while others think it's trendy, has a lot of health benefits, makes them feel better and is a part of their daily  anti aging routine.

If you are interested to get to know more about Gluten Free Diet , here are some most frequently asked questions and answers for you.

What is Gluten? Is it Wheat?

Gluten is a protein found in rye, barley and wheat and gives structure to the baked foods that we love the most: breads, cakes, pizza and what not. Without gluten bread or pizza would be just a pile of crumbs.

Why Choose Gluten Free Diet ?

There are variety of reasons why people choose to avoid gluten. Some people have celiac disease, gluten intolerance or wheat allergies while others do it to lead a healthier life.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is quite serious and about 1% of American have been diagnosed with this disorder. If you eat even a small amount of gluten, it can cause intestinal damage which can result in different symptoms from fatigue and weight loss /gain to anemia and even bone disease.

Unfortunately, the fact is that if you have a celiac disease, your immune system sees gluten fragments as toxins and reacts by attacking them.

Gluten Intolerance

Gluten Intolerance or Gluten Sensitivity is just like celiac disease stems from the inability to digest gluten foods properly. The bad thing about gluten intolerance is that it can have just one or many different unrelated symptoms that can change over time or, sometimes, no symptoms at all!

Some people first start having just gluten intolerance but due to a stressful lifestyle or genetic predisposition, develop a celiac disease.

Wheat Allergy

Wheat allergy is kind of like food allergies which can cause itchiness, breathing problems, upset stomach, eczema and even anaphylaxis. So it's quite different form gluten intolerance.

How Do I Know If I Have Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease?

Before you start a gluten free diet or any diet, you definitely need to be tested. If you have the disease in your family , there are greater chances that you are affected because you can be genetically predisposed to it. Blood samples can determine if you produce antibodies to gluten. Based on the results of your blood tests, your doctor might also recommend a biopsy by way of endoscopy. Make sure you pick a clinic with experience in celiac disease  and gluten intolerance.

Gluten Free Diet : How do I Live Without Gluten Foods?

We are all used to gluten foods since our childhood: pizza, donuts, yummy bread, pretzels and other things which are not so easy to eliminate from our daily eating routine. If you visit your local grocery store, you will discover that a lot of products like cereals, baked goods, pastas and many more are now coming in a gluten free version.

If you are trying to shift into a healthy lifestyle which includes healthy eating habits , eating more vegetables and fruits and less processed food is the way to go.

A good thing to remember is that gluten free foods does not necessarily mean they are fat free, low carb or low calorie foods and you are going to lose a lot of weight. Some of gluten free cookies or donuts can be very delicious but not extremely healthy.

Gluten free life should not be some kind of punishment or a life sentence but a great reason to make a fresh start by eating low-fat dairy, lean meats, seafood, tofu, fruits and vegetables in abundance to live a happier and healthier life.

Have you every been on a Gluten Free Diet? Please share your experience with us!

Author's Bio: 

anti aging Elena Moiseenko likes to write articles on healthy lifestyle, successful personal finance, happy relationships, adventure travel and much more to promote an optimistic outlook on life on her  Healthy Lifestyle Blog.