• Swimming rejuvenates both your body and brain. Which can reduce your mental stress. If you are having stress, you can not do any work better. Flow provides relief in stress and your brain works better. This reduces stress and depression naturally.

• To get maximum flexibility in the body, many people seek help from gyms and other types of exercises. But swimming is also an exercise . By which there is flexibility in every part of your body.

• Swimming is a cardiovascular exercise . With 4 to 5 days of swimming in the week, there is a lot of help in growing stamina. At the time of swimming, 12 times more work has to be done than on the ground exercises. Thereby strengthening your issues. Swimming gives strong all the parts of your body. When you have the strength of your whole body for swimming, it is considered a good workout. Swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises for your physical workout.

• Swimming makes control the level of cholesterol. Thereby reducing the risk of heart disease . Swimming for half an hour daily reduces the risk of heart disease to 30 to 40 percent.

• Swimming makes your whole body exercise, so swimming is better than many exercises in gym. You can also control your obesity by swimming. By swimming for 30 minutes daily, the body decreases by about 440 calories.

• During swimming, stretch, twist and bridges are required. Repeated stretching in different strokes also helps with flexibility. Regular swimming makes the muscles strong and also has flexibility in the body.

• if you feel the strength of the whole body while swimming, then it is considered a good workout. If you want to have an exercise in which the whole body is used, what could be better than hydrotherapy?

Special attention before swimming-• Before going to the pool, the stretch should be exercised.

• Choose the right clothes to swim. You feel comfortable in the costume to swim and do not forget to take goggles.

• You must take your water bottle along. It is very important to keep drinking water in the middle of practice. Drink plenty of water even when you are not swimming in the pool. When floating, the water containing chlorine goes into the stomach and it is very important to drink clean water to flush it out.

• Before landing in the pool, take a bath with ordinary water once so that there is no turbidity in the water and after bathing, take bath so that the chlorine present in the water is removed from your skin.

• Eat light meals before swimming, and then stay away from oily food, especially when you are thinking of losing weight. If you go to the chlorine present in the water while swimming in your stomach, eating oily foods can lead to indigestion and stomach problems.

Author's Bio: 

I am from Talented India and through it, we provide success mantra, news, and Health News in Hindi