Agile is one of the basic and most used methodologies in software development. It is a flexible level of programming that always deliver a finished or best output. The waterfall was once more famous than the agile, but now it has marked its territory of fame and best results. There are many famous software development companies like Sciencesoft, Oxagile, and Svitla Systems etc. which uses the agile methodologies in their development. Here are some of the main agile methodologies software development companies use in detail.

1. The SCRUM Methodology:
Scrum is an easy to use, more understanding and a lightweight framework that is easy to manage for all iterative and incremental works. It is one of the popular agile methodology, every company use in their office. Due to its simple nature, more flexibility and productivity its use is increasing in engineering methodologies. Scrum can handle an organization with more than 800 people and thousands of projects. Svitla Systems use it for product Backlog.

2. Lean and Kanban methodology:Lean is the type of agile methodology owning its own principles to work and handle organizations. Toyota uses this methodology for bringing value to their customers and generating a more efficient value and profit stream. This methodology reduces waste and produces more knowledge to learn. It is highly efficient and effective for a whole company. It works both ways, as building value and profit for the welfare of the company and the customers. It also helps in building a team and leading it with integrity.

Kanban is more like an informative methodology that balances all the workflow supporting the Lean methodology . It can handle a lot of work with a great speed to get efficient and effective workflow.

3. Extreme programming methodology:
Extreme programming also known as XP is very famous for its controversial role in the software sector. It has made a rapid growth around the globe for its frequent finishing, communication,and support. It further supports:
· Planning a game or a small release
· Customer feedback and refactoring
· Designing
· Coding
· It also supports integration and courage.

4. Crystal:
This is a lightweight and can easily approach for companies who are looking out for something unique and easy to understand. It provides support in critical and complex systems, projects and team leading. It has its own set of principles and policies, yet the best thing is that is has a frequent delivery software . You can change its principles to tailor your needs depending on the project. It is simply like the other agile methodologies with much better options to tailor any needs.

5. Dynamic system development method:
It is more like an
agile methodology suitable for holding and backing an industry. It has a rapid development application which approaches the software in a unique manner. It completes all goals in time and promotes industry framework for development projects.

6. Feature driven development methodology:FDD is the agile methodology which is best and suitable for short iteration projects. Companies practice it for a regular building, checking results and forecasting, inspections and even configuration management.

These types of agile methodologies are the back of every software development company around the world.

Author's Bio: 

Professional Content Writer, SEO Expert and good experience in Digital Marketing.