Is someone you know addicted to drugs or alcohol? Have you tried to help them get help only to be pushed away? Intervening on someone's behalf, especially when it comes to drugs and alcohol, can be a difficult thing to do. In most cases, the addicted individual is afraid of withdrawal and they don't want to admit they have a problem. They continually push those away who love and care for them the most, making it difficult and painful for those who care. Without intervention, many of those who are addicted will wind up dying , therefore getting them treatment is all the more urgent. Here's what you need to know about staging an intervention for someone in need.

During the initial meeting with the interventionist, your loved ones are often skeptical about the effectiveness of the intervention process. This is because all of the measures used up until now haven't been successful. The people who call interventionists are usually at their own personal rock bottom and are looking to make one last ditch effort to try and save the life of someone they love.

Effective interventionists possess a few similar qualities. First, they are organized. They understand that time is of the essence when it comes to an intervention and also know that not having their ducks in a row can cost someone their life. Two, they are effective communicators. They are able to show compassion and caring while being firm, controlled and assertive. This is important for both family and the addicted. And lastly, most interventionists are previous addicts themselves. They understand what drives those who are in the throes of their addiction in terms of their actions and can anticipate their reactions.

At the end of the day, interventions do work. They are oftentimes the only thing that stands between someone's life and going over the edge into oblivion. If you know someone who is in need of an intervention in New Jersey or Philadelphia, we can help.

Interventionists in New Jersey

New Life Interventions is founded on the promise of a new life. The main office is located in South New Jersey, offering us a centralized location between New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and more. We have extensive experience providing quality interventions for thousands of people and want to offer your loved one the opportunity at a new, addiction-free life. If you are in need of a quality Drug Interventionist in New Jersey or surrounding area, we are here to help. Visit to learn more about the intervention services we provide or to make an appointment to speak with someone about conducting an intervention. Take the first step towards saving your loved one's life today. You'll be glad you did.

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Author's Bio: 

Frank Riedl is a Drug Interventionist in New Jersey. He shows families the benefits of using interventionists in New Jersey the right way.