One of the most important affiliate marketing strategies that online experts will tell you is to do split testing for every marketing campaign that you carry out so you end up with a killer strategy to earn a lot more income for the same amount of work.

And the good news about split testing is that the same 3 step method works all the time, no matter what you’re trying to split test for.

So to give a boost to your affiliate marketing strategies, here’s how to do a proper split test to maximize any internet marketing campaign.

Step 1 – Change One Element At Any One Time

This is perhaps one of the most important tips on affiliate marketing strategies that you’ll read.

Changing one element at any one time for one campaign is the way you start, not changing many elements at once.

So suppose you suspect that your site's email opt in box's wrong placing is the cause for low opt in rates, then just change the placing first and see what happens.

Don’t change the position, add a free report to entice people to opt in, and change the colour scheme of the opt in box all at once. That way, if your subscription rate is improved, you won’t know which element was responsible for it.

Similarly, if your subscription rate got worse, you won’t know which element caused it.

So only change one element at a time and monitor your results.

Step 2 – Take Note of Your Changes and Jot Them Down

When it comes to affiliate marketing strategies, it’s easy to forget what works when you’re split testing.

That’s why it’s best to take down your results so that in future, you can always apply what you’ve learnt and get great results quickly without having to retest everything again.

Step 3 – Rinse and Repeat for Your Other Affiliate Sites

This may not sound like one of the affiliate marketing strategies, but I assure you it is.

Because there are so many niches of products you can promote online, what works in one niche may not work for another. So rinse and repeat what you’ve learnt and find out what works for your other affiliate sites.

However, most general tested results should apply, so split testing your second site will be much faster.

Once again, split testing your marketing campaigns is really one of the most important affiliate marketing strategies you’ll learn about online marketing. So learn to split test at an early stage so you can reap the rewards of great online earnings more quickly.

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And if you would like to learn more effective affiliate marketing strategies in depth, I know just the right resource for that.

You can find it at . Check them out today to learn more affiliate marketing strategies.