Are you ready to learn how to drive? You are finally able to get your provisional ldriving icense, but then you get some quotes and see just how expensive provisional insurance can be. You can expect to pay high prices on insurance when you have a provisional license, because insurance companies consider you to be a high risk and will charge a more to make up for their increased risk. You are going to want to do whatever is necessary to lower the cost of insurance.

The first thing you need to know is the type of car that you drive will make a big difference in the price of insurance. When you are ready to buy your own vehicle make sure you buy something that is used and has a small engine. High performance vehicles are not a good mix with a new driver. Accidents could easily occur because the new driver tries to drive too fast. Stick with a car that has a small engine in it so you can save on provisional insurance. You will also be able to get cheaper insurance if you buy a used car. New cars are also more expensive to insure.

Instead of having your parents teach you how to drive you can save on insurance if you go to a driving school. You will learn how to drive with advice from the experts. Many insurance companies will give you a deal on the price of insurance when you take driving lessons. They insurance companies believe you will be a better driver if you take lessons. You are less likely to make mistakes that could lead to an accident.

Shop for provisional insurance online to get a better price. You will find plenty of insurance companies that will even give you a discount when you make an online purchase. It is also important to remember that you will only need provisional insurance for a few months. You may want to look into temporary policies. When you get your driver’s license you will be able to find insurance at a cheaper rate. If you are a young driver the insurance will still be high but it will be cheaper than learner insurance.Taking lessons and buying the right car are the keys to cheaper insurance. When you make a purchase online you will be able to save too. If you find that insurance is still too high you may want to stay on your parents insurance for a little while if that is an option. Their rates will go up so you should help them to pay for their insurance. You will also be risking their no claims discount so be sure you drive safely.

Provisional car insurance will always cost you a bit more, but you can make it more affordable by taking lessons and getting the right car. You do not want to endanger your parents no claims bonus they have earned over the years. Take driving lessons from an accredited school so you can save on insurance. Look into temporary insurance that will last a few months. Get lots of quotes online so you are certain you are getting the best price. You can save if you try and if you are willing to do the right things.

Author's Bio: 

Read more about learner driver insurance on and learn how to find the best value quotes. The author has written extensively about varioius financial issues, including provisional driver policies .