For you to be successful in your endeavors you first have to condition your mind to the goals you want to achieve. In other words, you have to have a burning desire to succeed!

Everybody wants to be financially successful in order to live a comfortable and rewarding life, but this daunting feat is not attainable by most people because of their misconception of money. The myriad of fails belief that most people harbor about money is demoralizing. One of the popular adages, is that, money is the root of all evil. Money can’t be evil because it is an idea that is conceived in your mind. There is a scripter in the bible that stresses on money, “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.” (Ecclesiastes 10: 19). Indeed, money is a means to an end and you chose what you do with it.


Success is germinated in the mind before you, with the help of conscious effort, can make it into a reality. This process takes place in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a store house of information. Therefore, It is can be likened to a computer’s memory bank. Furthermore, the mind will assimilate anything you focus on, whether it is negative or positive thought impulses. In fact, you become what you think about. Naturally, these thought impulses are influenced by your surroundings, whether it is your family or friends, it can have a profound effect on you. Bear in mind though that your life always moves in the direction of your thoughts.


Emotionally disturbed persons are the once who create their own dilemma in life, because once your emotion hold sway, your intellectual capacity diminishes. It is easy for us humans to think negative thoughts and the decisions it influenced will have a profound impact on us. You see, the choices we make in life are as a result of our thoughts. It will dictate how we lead our lives and if you want to live a prosperous life you have to get in the habit of thinking positively and surround yourself with people who have similar perspective. Further more, most successful people are achievers and they are progressive because they have found their niche in life. They will help you to be a better person in life. Research has shown that positive people share one thing in common, and that is the desire to succeed. As the cliché correctly states, “whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” That is why poverty is not an excuse for frailer. It's only a mental disease; it is the property of poor thought. Nevertheless, our achievements are as a result of our philosophy of life. Suffice it to say though, that life is a just employer, it gives you what you ask of it. However, if you fail to plan for it, you are definitely planning to fail in life.


It takes proper money management planning to escape the spiral of poverty. Those who never seem to have enough money to satisfy their unlimited wants are those who are caught up in a web of poverty.

These people whose unlimited wants exceed their available resources are terms as spenders, irrespective of how much money they earn, they probably cannot balance both spending and earning. The former will always exceed the latter. This is because they lack financial intelligence, together, with a need to fulfill a psychological emptiness with an illusion of material wealth.

Spenders approach the market from a seller’s perspective. Their propensity to spend is much higher then the propensity to save. They have a “buy save later” attitude . They have no hope for the future, live today starve tomorrow is their philosophical base. However, from an aggregate perspective these people have the ability to generate economic demand for goods and services produced by the said economy.


1) One of the main obstacles to financial success is inflation, especially, as your income is vulnerable to it. The best way to escape from this financial crisis is to think of ways to supplement your income, which is, improving your earning capacity.

2) You invest more in yourself and less on yourself. For example, education will do more for your well being than clothes will do for your physical attire. Also, get rid of the false pride.

3) Try to live within your means. Some poor people are living wealthy lifestyles.

4) You should have a clearly define objective and the ability to change along with the times.

5) Proper planning and determination should help you to achieve your objective and if you are set back with temporary defeat on your first try, try again. Because once you keep on trying, the greater your success will be.

6) Make a Household Budget to monitor your expenses, and see if they are too high or where you can cut back.

7) Do not let procrastination and indecision take charge of your life.

8) You don’t have to have money to make money, it takes a very good money making idea and a well laid out business plan and the ability to convince investors. The investors could be your friends that could provide the capital for your business.

9) Be on the lookout for good money making prospects and get the facts about any investment scheme you are embarking on. Furthermore, read financial magazines , go to financial seminars and seek the help of an Investment Adviser.

10) Insufficient income is the lack of effort on your part in finding ways to supplement your income and indebtedness is the result of poor planning. To escape from this financial conundrum, you have to get yourself in the habit of paying yourself first and live on what is left. By doing that you will be building a capital base for yourself that you can rely on in the future.

11) RESTRAIN FROM BORROWING TO CONSUME OR REPAY DEBTS! You should borrow for productive use only. Also, do not buy on impulses. You must compare prices and shop around for bargains.

12) Avoid traveling with too much money on your person or putting it in places where it is easily accessible. This could lead to temptation to spend.

13) Hard work without a purpose sends you to your grave, but diligently using your mind will put you on the road to success.

14) Be kind to the needy and less fortunate. This will help to give you peace of mind.

15) Give money with a cheerful heart. It is important to your happiness and well being. In all, money adores a prosperous attitude .


Achieving financial success does not come overnight. It will take time, determination, hard work and along with financial intelligence. In addition, you would have to have a sound financial plan to be on a solid ground.

It is not enough today just to work and earn a salary, because a job is no longer guaranteed, you must have an additional source of income to act as a cushion in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.

Author's Bio: 

Garth Simpson is an article writer and an entrepreneur who worked in banking and finance for 18 years.