EDITOR'S NOTE: We were so touched by this letter sent to us by one of our Intent visitors on the danger of prescription drug addiction that we felt it was worth sharing with the rest of our Intent community. This person's letter is a response to Deepak Chopra's blog post on his personal friendship with Michael Jackson .

Dear Deepak,

I have never in my life felt compelled to write a letter of response to anything, however I felt deeply moved by your post in regards to prescription drugs.

I was so saddened not only by the passing of such an icon as Michael Jackson, but also because it bought to the surface many memories of witnessing someone I love who was also powerful in the music industry be enabled by doctors that fueled the addiction habit.

I sat at my desk with tears overflowing this morning, trying to understand what the depth of this sadness that I have never felt before all meant. I started thinking about the mission to untangle the pharmaceutical marketing spin and the many benefactors of it being a global business to keep people “sick”. After doing some research, I came across your post- and as it appears there is someone who understands this is a serious issue.

We as a society discourage cocaine and heroin, and yet I have walked out of a doctors office in LA with someone I love who is a drug addict, who given another seven scripts for various pills to treat the “pain”. I have never felt so angry as I did at that point, it was no better than visiting a dealer on the street, infact perhaps that would have felt more appropriate as at least they would not be playing a role of sorts pretending they are interested in healing.

So many doctors would offer “help”, house calls, follow ups but I never once felt like there wasn’t some sense of desperation to be around the money and influence of a great artist.

I know there is truth in the fact that both someone like Michael, and the person I was with chose that existence, they chose to take that path in life, but I cant help but feel on so many other levels there has to be a greater voice to be heard to shift this enormous trend we have to medicate people. I have been fortunate to work with many artists over the years, and perhaps their greatest gift to the world is their innocence to come from the heart, within this space there is a vulnerability to them which is so often exploited by those pretending to care.

I think we as a society can do more to influence change in this area, as hopefully we all come to understand the level of investment the biggest corporations in the world have in the pharmaceutical industry, so it doesn’t serve in their interests to try and wage awareness about the need for greater care or alternative options in relation to the distribution of medication. It needs to be influenced by the people.

I would really love to lend my support to help raise awareness on this issue, not just in America but around the world.

If there is any thoughts you have in motion around this subject, I would welcome the opportunity to hear them and develop them with you.

I had to leave the person I loved, after so many failed attempts to assist with helping him see another way- I realised that I was not only having to show the way to the addict, but I was in constant conflict against the entourage of those who were so intent on keeping him operating as an addict. I think about him still everyday, I miss his light, and his music (the drugs also have a way of taking away the ability to create brilliance again), and maybe these recent events has shown me I can still offer help to others to raise the awareness against this entangled pharmaceutical phenomenon.

Kind regards,


Author's Bio: 

Intent.com Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.