Preparation Time 30 minutes

Cooking Time 20 minutes

Makes 4 Handwas


1 cup jada poha (thick beaten rice flakes)

1/2 cup low fat curds with 1 1/2 cups water

1/2 cup grated white pumpkin (doodhi/lauki)

1/2 cup grated carrots

1/4 cup boiled green peas

1 tbsp green chilli-ginger paste

1 tsp sugar

2 pinch turmeric powder (haldi)

2 pinch red chilli powder


1 tsp mustard seeds (rai/sarson)

2 tsp sesame seeds (til)

2 pinch asafoetida (hing)

1 tsp oil


2 tsp oil for cooking

1/4 tsp salt

You might know what Handwa is. You might've had a Handwa sometime.

But handwa made of beaten rice! It's different. Let's check out the ingredients.

Thick beaten rice flakes, these have been dipped in buttermilk for 15-20 minutes in curd and sieved.

Grated carrots, green peas, grated white pumpkin, sugar and salt to taste.

And for the tempering, we need asafetida, sesame seeds and mustard seeds.

Apart from that, we would require ginger garlic paste and green chilli paste.

It's a very simple recipe.

Take the beaten rice which has been soaked in buttermilk. Now add in a little sugar and grated white pumpkin. Mix it properly.

Next, add in green peas and carrots.

Add in salt to taste. You must make sure that you add in all the ingredients and then add salt.

In the meantime, we will prepare the tempering.

For tempering, you need a little oil.

The tempering is ready.

Put in mustard and sesame seeds, and a pinch of asafetida.

Let it stand for a moment, and then add the tempering on the mixture we created earlier.

Add red chilli powder to taste and little turmeric to the mixture.

Turmeric will change color and give its unique taste as well. Mix well.

Once the mixture is ready, we can prepare the 'Handwa' (pan cake).

For this, let's put some oil in a pan or on a griddle.

Now we will make 'Handwa' that is around 10 mm thick and 7 to 8 inches in diameter.

This is made just like we make the 'Uttapam' and 'Thalipeeth'.

Now we will cover it.

We have to cook it on both sides for 15-20 minutes.

The Handwa will turn golden and fluffy.

Now we have to serve it. We can serve the 'Poha Handwa' with curd.

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The Kitchen Library includes the following:

- DVDs - 3 [with step by step video demonstrations of 180 recipes .]

- Books - 15 [covers 875 recipes]

Author's Bio: 

Harshad has been into freelance writing for some time now. Some of the topics he loves to write about are health, wellness, life & lifestyle, fitness & spirituality.