The popularity wheatgrass enjoys these days is attributed to the extensive research various wheatgrass enthusiasts have done during the twentieth century. Thanks to them we now know that wheatgrass has many powerful nutrients that can be used to treat various health conditions. We have also learned that there are several wheatgrass side effects that need to be addressed.

The wealth of wheatgrass nutritious substances can be divided into several different groups; vitamins, enzymes and minerals. The bulk of wheatgrass content goes to chlorophyll, which represents a potent substance capable of tackling several different issues at the same time.

So what are wheatgrass side effects? There aren’t many. In fact, there are only three most usual side effects: nausea, headache and diarrhea.

Nausea can be caused for several different reasons. Nausea, as one of the wheatgrass side effects, can be caused by taste issues. Some people just don’t like the way it tastes. This issue can be side stepped by adding some natural flavor enhancers such as lemon, honey and cinnamon. The other reason is rapid detoxification caused by chlorophyll, which makes the tissues release their toxic buildup, thus making you feel nauseous. This is not a permanent side effect, meaning it gradually subsides as the toxic substances get excreted from the body.

One of the wheatgrass side effects that can manifest in company of nausea or on its own is headache. It is also attributed to the chlorophyll’s detoxifying action, and really doesn’t last long. The best way to avoid it is to take an ounce a day in the beginning, and after a week to ten days start increasing the dose.

The diarrhea comes when there’s been an ingestion of great amounts of wheatgrass juice, and the body is just not capable to process it. This is one of the most annoying wheatgrass side effects and is easily avoidable.

Very rarely, an allergic reaction can occur in people allergic to molds. Because wheatgrass can be cultivated in unhealthy, damp conditions, an onset of molds can occur. Just make sure there’s enough air circulation in the growing area and that the planting density is appropriate. Good thing is that molds are relatively easy to spot and wash off.

There are a few wheatgrass side effects and an abundance of wheatgrass benefits. Since they are easily avoidable, wheatgrass side effects shouldn’t stand between you and your wish to stay healthy by using wheatgrass.

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The best masticating juicer on the market right now is the Super Angel juicer . Its entirely made of stainless steel and will last you a lifetime. Its three time award winning twin-gear system squeezes every drop of nutrient rich, energy-boosting juice from your homegrown wheatgrass.