For as much as we pay for face soaps, facial scrubs, acne creams, moisturizers, we could be looking in our kitchen to get even better results. Its important to wash our skin because we get environmental pollutants on our skin daily however its just as important to feed our body and our skin from the inside with the appropriate nutrients to continue to see soft, smooth, glowing skin on the outside. Natural ingredients from the food that we eat are the necessary tools to keep our skin cells from damage from UV rays, to exfoliate, shed off dead cells to expose fresh new cells and keep collagen structure intact so our skin doesn’t sag, droop or show wrinkles. A well rounded diet filled with fruits and vegetables, protein and healthy fats will not only keep your skin from aging , but it will make your skin glow. Because food is the fundamental way in which our bodies receive energy, these foods will not only keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful, but they will also do wonders for the rest of your body as well. Pack your diet with these powerful foods and notice how your complexion changes.

Romaine LettuceLoaded with vitamin A, romaine lettuce will revitalize your skin by increasing cellular turnover, to reveal fresh new skin cells. Romaine lettuce also contains potassium a mineral, which improves circulation, meaning more oxygen and nutrients, will flow to your skin. Lastly, it contains vitamin K, vital in supporting vascular health, which reduces the likelihood of bulging leg veins.

TomatoesTomatoes are full of antioxidants, especially vitamin C and lycopene. The nutrients in tomatoes reduce the skins ability to become sunburned. Tomatoes antioxidants help to keep collagen structure preventing sagging, fine lines, and furrows.

StrawberriesStrawberries contain high doses of the antioxidant vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts collagen production keeping skin smooth and firm. When skin is smooth and firm there are fewer lines and wrinkles. Strawberries also contain another antioxidant, ellagic acid that protects the elastic fibers within skin, which keep it firm. When the elastic fibers in skin stretch skin begins to sag. A vitamin C deficiency leads to dry, wrinkled, saggy skin. So eat more strawberries!

ApplesThe saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” doesn’t just apply to being healthy. Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which protects the skin form free radicals. It also protects the skin from UVB rays, which can burn the skin and lead to skin cancer.

SoySoy contains an isoflavone known as aglycone. This compound helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and improves kin firmness. Eat foods that contain soy like tempeh and edamame.

EggsEggs contain two antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants keep skin better hydrated, softer and firmer. They also protect skin against UV rays. The sun can damage skin by causing brown spots, fine lines and ultimately lead to skin cancer. Eggs can protect the skin from sun damage.

AlmondsAlmonds are a sufficient source of vitamin E a potent antioxidant that is vital to skin health. In addition to protecting skin from damaging free radical, vitamin E provides valuable moisture to skin. Vitamin E keeps skin hydrated, avoiding dryness.

Extra Virgin Olive OilExtra virgin olive oil contains essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids (EFA) help to protect skin against sun damage. They also are an essential part of cell membranes, which hold moisture in. EFA’s keep skin supple and hydrated.

Whole GrainsWhole grains contain high amounts of antioxidants. This includes whole grain bread, pasta and cereal. High doses of antioxidants help to keep your skin looking young, fresh and beautiful.

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine.
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