A Course in Miracles is a unique, universal, self-study curriculum that teaches that the way to love and inner peace is through forgiveness. Thousands of people around the world have read and studied the material from this book. There are many wonderful teachers available to support a deeper understanding of the text that was published by the Foundation For Inner Peace .

Author and the foremost authority of A Course In Miracles , David Hoffmeister , is known for his thorough and clear explanations of questions that arise when using the Course materials. He explains, "There is a very basic misunderstanding for many spiritual seekers. The Holy Spirit’s function is not “translating reality into form”– quite the opposite. The Holy Spirit reinterprets the dream by bringing illusion to truth and darkness to light, not vice versa. Understanding this is essential to Awakening. It is impossible to bring truth to illusion or Reality to fantasy. This is a fundamental teaching of ACIM."

If God's Will for you is complete peace and joy, then it makes sense that your reality needs to be reviewed if you are not experiencing only that. The contrast that the curriculum of “ A Course in Miracles “ offers is a remarkable learning opportunity for growth and realignment. Free will according to “ACIM” means that at any moment you can choose a miracle instead of despair. You can choose to see the world through Holy Spirit’s unified perception. You can choose love instead of fear.

These metaphysical teachings are a great tool to take you into the experience of true forgiveness as taught and demonstrated by Jesus 2000 years ago. It is a way to pears through the veil of ego’s lies and hidden beliefs that are deeply rooted in the mind.

Forgiveness shows that no one can ever do you wrong, for you are as God created you, you are Spirit. What you thought your brother did to you has never happened it was just an error in perception. Forgiveness therefore is a full re-translation of perception which is the gateway to the Truth of who you really are. What you are cannot be shrunk down to form of ego perception.

Without this understanding, we lose our ability to experience true forgiveness , and it remains an ego concept which reinforces illusions as truth. You must bring illusions to the truth. You can’t try and bring truth to the illusion. Divine Reality cannot be translated or brought into form.

Author's Bio: 

David Hoffmeister offers support for those on the spiritual path. He offer a practical way to integrate these deep teachings of A Course In Miracles into your life. He lives to demonstrate true forgiveness as taught by Jesus in ACIM. To learn more about David Hoffmeister and how A Course In Miracles can support your transformation, please go to www. livingmiracles.org.